Transmorpher beacon: A plea

Being an avid WoW fan-boy, I recently purchased the Transmorpher beacon - and I really love it! :smiley:

I have a small plea regarding the buff icon;

Would it be too much to ask if it could display which character the model is after?

I know some of them, like Keleseth (Spelling?) and one of the guys from Assembly of Iron in Ulduar. But I cant really tell which, and that would be a huge deal to me.

So Blizzard: Pretty please make this possible?


Would be nice as I had no idea who I was until I read up and found out it was a Halls of Reflection boss I’ve never seen :smiley:

For now you can use

I know it’s just a list but at least your model will be in there somewhere!

They yell some dialogue when you become then, but no names :frowning:

Hmmm… is this playable ethereal model on sample picture of the things you can transmog into?! From that wowhead link posted earlier:

No, the ethereal is the NPC that pops up and transforms you.

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He’s the npc you summon with the toy, then you speak to him and he gives you a random transformation.

Oh damn, i was getting my hopes up!

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