Transmute mastery NOT WORKING

Hi, I have not received a single transmute mastery proc for I think 2 months now, I did not count the days. I have done the transmute: primal might every day with mastery since I leveled alchemist.

I get it, there is around 15% chance to get a proc, so it is possible to not get one. But in the end it starts to seem a bit unlikely. Friends that I have, that also do the same transmute every day, get in average 1x transmute proc for primal might a week. I also just want to add that I got transmute mastery procs in the beginning, around 2.5 months ago for maybe 3 weeks (did not count the days) - and got similar statistics, around 1 per week, sometimes several in a row.

I did contact support 4 weeks ago, got a really nice answer from support and tried to accept that I was just unlucky for not getting a single transmute master proc for a month. I got my hopes back again, but since I contacted support 4 weeks ago I still did not receive a single proc. And I contacted support again, to say that I had not received a single proc still, for 2 months. And they referred me to the forum.

Yes, I have read the other posts about people having a similar problem.
Yes, I am 100% sure I have the correct mastery.
I have also considered changing mastery, but for me this is about the principle. I am pretty much convinced something is wrong with my account.
I have also considered removing the mastery, and adding it again, because maybe something is wrong with the system and its not registered that my transmute mastery character in fact is one, and I just need to do it again manually. But honestly, why can’t support check that for me ?

By the way the character with the error is this one, do i need to post it with the correct character?

Thank you for any response!

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