Transparency on some UI elements like bags?

So im visually impaired and as Warcraft seems to have added some nice accessinility option, it also seems to make other places less accessible without options to go back or they are hidden too well.

Like for example this new UI that has great number of customization without need to add 3rd party addon, it has size adjustments in many places but some are still missing like one of the more important ones being quest texts which ALSO still have no TTS support, but this is not about that.

Thing in question is, that some elements in UI like Bags and action bars are transparent, which makes everything look very unclear as well as bag windows not having clear borders AND transparency make them difficult to use and for this very reason, search option in bags is also litle help, because the search results are not clerar.

I do wonder do they have Opacity option somewhere else or is it really just missing because, well… Its been more in developers mind to make cool looking UI rather than remember those that have trouble seeing. I mean this 1 step forward one step backwards kind of thing is a bit tiresome. Anyway. Any suggestion how to deal with this transpparency? If addon is only solution, i would apreciate as light and with litle extra as possible, like the one i had when i last played that helped in many places, Move anything was great, but it took ages to setup and it tended to not always remember my settings and needed resetup after some updates.


The thing I can’t read so well just now is the new Spell book. Would love a Higher Contrast version like they did with Quest window. I might look for an AddOn for it. At least it has a search function now so if Iknow the name of a spell I can find it but I can’t really browse it just to see wheat’s there.

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I know your issue is directly pointed at Blizzard coding, but there are some addons that may help you out. I understand that a lot do not like addons. This is a pointer nothing more.

Bagnon has a scaling system built into it. But also has a plugin called Bagnon expansion which is great for identifying old stuff. I use bagnon, as I am getting more and more long sighted these days. I found it painful waiting for the dev to catch up to TWW. I really appreciate they found the time to update this.

Bagonator is another bag addon which will display things for ease of use.

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Yes. The new spellbbook is hard to see for me too. I liked the older one a lot more.

For example i was fiddling with my Evokers action bars and lost one of the raciuals. I scrolled through the book a long time and looked many times at the tabs on bottom. Then i took my magnifying apparatus and did all that again but did not found racials. Only by accident i noticed the tabs at the top which felt a bit illogical, as if there was tabs in bottom and now all the specs are on the same tab, i was expecting to find racial spells and passives there too. Plus sincve i only have on bad eye(Yes, i also love to use that as a pun sometimes:D) and i also need to look these smaller things juist couple centimeters from the screen, i see so small area of screen at one time so its easy to miss thing if they are spread oddly on large space and also are of low contrast.

Amazing addon. Can scale up quest text, alter colours and enable TTS. Also has customisable key for quest accept.

The trick with Transparancy is to find areas which have darker ground or walls.
I only struggle with Transparency in bright areas. Bastion was a nightmare.

I’ve just gone into the Rookery Follower dungeon for a quest and it’s really bright here (just at the entrance, maybe it gets better).
I can’t read the tracker details on the right of the screen at all here.

I do wish there was a general Transparancy setting in the Options menu.
The chat window has one (and has for a long time) which I set to full black. Would be great if this applied to Minimpar surround, Bags, Quest Tracker and maybe a few other things.