Trap Launcer macro for Cataclysm Classic?

I have been looking for a Trap Launcher + Explosive Trap macro but havn’t been able to find one that currently works. Anyone who have a macro for this that currently works?

Because of how, when you activate the Trap Launcher, it triggers a 1 sec CD for your traps, which has to pass before you can use them[traps]. Any macro involving both the Trap Launcher, and a particular Trap ability, it will require you to first activate Trap Launcher, and once the 1 sec has passed, you can then cast your trap wherever you want. In addition to that, you have to reactivate your Trap Launcher ability for every single trap you want to cast from afar.

Personally, I use macros like below, for each type of trap:

#showtooltip Explosive Trap
/cast Trap Launcher
/cast [@cursor]Explosive Trap

Put that macro in an actionbar, and assign a keybind to it. Then…

  1. Press once to activate your Trap Launcher
  2. Press again to place the trap wherever your cursor is located on your screen.

Note: If you don’t want to automatically put down a trap where your [@cursor] is, simply remove that condition, incl the brackets. Then you get the regular reticle graphic on your cursor, and you can choose where to place the trap.

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You’re an absolute hero! Tyvm :slight_smile:

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This is the way. Always keep Trap Launcher active when you have the chance to. You can still put traps in front of you.
Having 2 macros for every trap feels amazing. Feet and cursor :slight_smile:

It’s not 100% true. This GCD is “bug” and we can bypass. For exemple, when you mouseclic on traplauncher, the GCD doesn’t proc.

My macro:

For french:

I tried this cs macro during the beta, it didn’t work then. If you say that it can bypass the bug with the gcd now, that’s ofc a good thing.

The ideal thing would be if they gave us the MoP treatment of the ability now. So that we don’t have to press it twice to put down the traps. They already gave us the Explosive Trap version of this with WotLK:Classic. They may just as well make the MoP changes already.

For reference, here’s the MoP version, where they made Trap Launcher into a passive aura, rather than something you had to activate for each trap.

Trap Lacher

  • While active, your Traps are launched to a target location within 40 yards. Lasts until cancelled.