Trap Launcher Updated - 17 July

We’ve just applied a hotfix to address Hunter mobility.

  • Trap Launcher will no longer augment Frost Trap.

A Trap Launcher version of Frost Trap has only existed in versions of WoW in which mobility and freedom effects were more plentiful. Without them, the safety and agency a 9-15 second ranged Frost Trap grants Hunters is simply too much. We’re making it so that Hunters either need to put themselves at risk in order to place a Frost Trap or have someone engage on them to trigger it.

Please note: if you currently have the Rune equipped, you must unequip and reequip it, zone, or relog before you can use Frost Trap again.


How about you fix Lethal Shots first ?

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Make BM viable again!

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ah well, my hunter made it to lv55, and there it shall stay. Glad i leveled my druid first.

I had fun with the trap weaving rotations it was great, I can see the reasoning with the PvP, but this is craps on the Lock and Load rotation we currently play in dungeons, which was perfectly smooth.

Now its stop and start clunky, or forced to run in to place the frost trap to trigger the the set of free shots.



what a cop out, i understand it needed something done with it in pvp, but now it effects ranged rotations in pve, and now effects the ability for us to solo farm etc, disgusting


Ice trap is still usable with launcher.
But its a horrid change due to the fact that they didnt remove entrapment not having DR, which would have been the play.

No server fixes, no lethal shot fix.

Pro at handing out nerfs asap.


farming dungeons just got a lot harder solo


Add BM runes. There are no BM runes. You forgot to add BM runes


Management is horribad.
Decisions made needs to be reverted and another solution for the problem which requires actual work needs to be put in its place.

Fix your game, blizzard.


trap launcher but cant launch 1 specific trap due to pvp reasons lmao - fix, let just stop it working for that trap/.


No, what they should do is put in the work and make it DR itself.
Also, you can only trigger first tick f.ex.

Make it DR itself instead for pvp : 4sec-> 2 sec ->immune

Put the hours in, thats why you get paid.


i used frost trap while leveling, i didnt want to use the bm rune with my pet out on gloves so i used frost trap it to slow the mobs while i pumped damage with chimera etc… guess thats gone now


change the talent to only affect freezing traps duration, change resourcefulness to only affect fire traps, allows you to place 2 fire traps at a time.

when the hunter dies all trap affects are removed.


This would be cool, but would result in a DPS increase i guess with having Explosive and Immo traps both active

And we already pretty giga on the ol meters.

I am ok with using ice trap, but i can see how people who solo dungeons would be miffed by it :frowning:

Change is horrid.

They need to find another way asap.


If you can’t play without abusing traps, it’s clearly a skill issue.

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nah this is early days yet, wait till the melees get full mc gear, hunters will be below them all.


You, spending your time to neglect the fact that the change was bad is clearly a skill issue.

Now, back to your cave.

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Nerf to dungeons farming we now have to check our threat and not bozo spam explosive shot as much as before :stuck_out_tongue:

A bit sad change, but we can work around

Dislike this change a lot. It was so fun and great for solo pve and group pve. Feelt really useful and unique for hunters. I get the pvp aspect but that should be handled in a different way to be honest. Please reconsider.