Travel Fast in Shadowlands with the new Engineering Wormhole toy

Hi Guys,

As you might know, with Engineering you can craft some Wormholes, which are toys specific to each expansion and which allow you to travel to some of the specific locations of each expansion.

There are two types of wormholes:

  • The one with random locations (you don’t choose where you go), with a cooldown of 15min.
  • The one which creates a portal with specific locations that you can choose from (usually 4h cooldown).

With Shadowlands, a new wormhole is available and it’s a portal, so it means you will be able to choose the specific location you want to travel to. And the cooldown is for now 15min! So definitely useful at the beginning of the expansion.

If you want to learn more and also on how to make some gold with these, you can watch this video:

Hope this helps!

“CAUTION: Failure to operate within strict safety guidelines may result in… double death? Turbo death? Aliveness?”

This make me giggle.

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They usually require you to be an engineer in order to use wormholes, unless they’ve removed the restriction for SL?

Yes, you need 1 in SL engineering

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15 minutes, “fast”

Gimme a pocket mage.

HUGE requirement then :stuck_out_tongue:

Death-tech :thinking:
A bit strange, we will not have any new Archeology, yet even in death there is a cool technology… and cooking…
RP wise this put things to perspective, a bit Egyptian stlye
You have what, usually a 100 years to live ( it IS Azeroth… WARcraft… even if you are an immortal, death is just around the coroner… corner to jump at you) then a nice eternity of Death
Where you need several things, including food, armor,weapon, alchemical potions, technology… use your years alive to prepare for your eternal death
Or not, you could Hearthsone back to the living word

Hugs the sanity of the Lore crying in the corner, curled in to fetal position

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