Travel Form + Dragonriding + Mount

Hi all,
Not sure if anybody has shared this one yet. This macro works great for my druid both in old zones and in Dragonflight. When indoors you’ll switch to cat form, once outside if you can fly you’ll switch flightform. In Dragonflight you’ll get your dragonriding random mount. in combat, you can run away using your shapeshift travelform. When not in combat you can get a random mount from mount journal.

/stopmacro [flying]
/run C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast [indoors] Cat Form(shapeshift); [Outdoors] Travel Form(shapeshift);

EDIT: Got one for Shaman to let you get into wolf form

/stopmacro [flying]
/run C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast Ghost Wolf


10.0.7 introduced advflyable so you can just go:

/stopmacro [flying]
/cast [indoors] Cat Form(shapeshift); [advflyable] DRAGONRIDING_MOUNT; Travel Form(shapeshift)
/stopmacro [flying]
/cast [advflyable] DRAGONRIDING_MOUNT; Ghost Wolf

sweeet thanks I’m going to save this now.

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