Trial account lost access to warband bank

let’s assume that bug fixers don’t work on weekends, so this upcoming week (xmas aside) will tell us if it’s really a bug or a decision.

Someone posted on another site with a reply from a GM. This is an intended change that is here to stay. You need to add game-time to your account to access the Warband Bank.

This is sad, but nothing I can do about it. While I had oriented my gameplay to greatly use/involve the Warband Bank, I will have to either find a way to work around it or stop playing.

As expected. I wonder if they deliberately decided to be cruel to people when they found out trials can use warband bank.
They could tell people “Oops sorry, you should’t use this (as you can’t use post), it’s a bug, we will fix it soon” or “trial period ended, pls subscribe to continue using the wbank”. Instead they decided to be silent implying “well we actually don’t care about our players, pay or go away”


As much as I want my 2 months worth of stuff back I’m not rewarding Blizzard with a subscription for making such a stupid decision like this and not giving us any warning beforehand. I’ll just wait until they do a free weekend promotion at some point and I’ll get my stuff out of the warband bank then.

But thanks for sharing this

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Don’t give out your plan here, Blizzard will read this and stop doing free-weekends! Or they’ll do free-weekends with no Warband Bank/Mail/Trade access! -shrugs-

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This change was intentional. No more Warband Bank access unless you sub. Yes, money solves all problems (and bugs). :slight_smile:


Not all, Blizzard havent resolved the Guild Bank data loss, or even confirmed restoration of lost items are complete.

Blizzard decided to save the money and ignore the players instead.

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