Trial of Flood not working

Event starts, but it doesnt show the event at all you can’t see stages at all, chest is there and not clickable, and instantly when final stage boss is over, chest immediately disappear. Done this 10 times already bug still exists and cant get loot at all. Trial of Elements working properly.


Same for me! Tried multiple times but never see the stages. Just enemies spawning. After the final enemy for everybody else the chest just disappears



Same happens to me .
Even if you get the last elite mob tagged over the other fraction or a party of people ( Stupid that this is a thing on PVE servers btw ) there is no chest after the mob is dead, but you can see others doing the open animation where the chest should be ???

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Same happens to me, done it like 6 times already.

I have the same issue. I arrive, see the chest and cannot interact with it. Someone starts it, the event doesn’t start for me and I get no loot. Even if I kill the spawning mobs.

Did anyone also do the Trials of Elements before the Trial of Flood? Maybe that’s causing an issue?

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Same here, maybe I did it while leveling without noticing. I did do the Trials of elements just before though. Is there a macro to see if we have done it already?

Works on my DK, doesn’t work on my rogue. Dont ask me how.

Hey all,

It looks like some players who were ineligible for the chest / loot could see the chest, which was not intended. This should have been fixed now.

I have the same problem. It worked until today. 12/9/2022

Its still happening to me so its not fixed at all.

No it is not fixed…

not fixed for me. 2 eligible chars, chest not clickable at all. Thanks for no loot this id. Worked in first id

new week, same problem. Flood quest done, disappears, thats it … no loot, WeakAura says done for the week …

thanks blizzard at least this game is free to play and everything works as it should :slight_smile: even tho its ,fixed" then its new feature i cant just loot trial of flood nice fix thanks for doing your job !

btw super rare Enkine is also definitely working as intended when i cant sometimes even loot or skin it nice job too

I’m having the same issue. So considering the siege on dragonbane keep also doesn’t work for me all the weekly quests seem to be bugged for me.

This really sucks…