The passive trinkets from the new season could use some tuning. My 447 Dice from last season is better than most of them. And why does Ember of Nullification only drop for tanks?
because it has an on getting hit effect, which usually is only for tanks.
also for at least BM there are 5 trinkets from M+ that are stronger than dice, both in ST and multi target.
for passive, there are 2 options, 1 is crafted and 1 is from doti.
Last season was much much much worse for trinkets from m+ in general
No way, the trinkets for dps and tanks from Fyrakk are extremely superior to anything from s2.
Not if you played a spec that could use dice. It was pretty much bis for all of them.
The issue this season is that Pip’s is the strongest passive trinket for a lot of classes, so there’s high competition for it.
Most of the dungeon trinkets for agi users suck.
well pips is like essence last season
you still needed a second trinket.
for caster and healers was even worse
You said last season trinkets from M+ were ‘much much worse’. I pointed out that many specs got one of their BiS trinkets from M+.
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