Trinket weak

Opened the weekly chest got a trinket…
Did a m7 run, got a trinket, used the bonusroll, again the same trinket…

Gg blizz

Out of 5 weeklies 4 of them were Lady Waycrest’s music box


Am i asking for too much?! i feel like im asking for too much! RNG pls

Not all m+ trinkets are Garbo.
I mean vial of animated blood is BiS burst for retri imo.

What did you got?

I seem to get rings more than anything else.

Yes, you are asking for too much.

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Sounds like an emo boys band :sunglasses:


My raid char : 0 damage corruptions, loots yet-another-drinket
My DK - has 3 Stars R3 items, and pulled 2nd 475 weapon from the box.

Co tank in raid does 55k dps now. 50% last boss kill damage was corruptions. I told him I passionately hate him.

In reality we are same level players, and always prior corruptions performed alike. But its ok… I am meme now - my monk is uncorrutable and immune to mythic loot.

I should change my dk into raiding character again. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

In other words corruptions can go to same pit of eternal fire as rest of the BfA.

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I just got a trinket today too from chest, can confirm it’s trinket weak

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