Since there is already a blood elf, void elf, and Nightborne customization threads active. And since void elves got new customizations from the forum requests here in EU, might as well try my luck.
This thread is open for all to join and all to put their ideas on Darkspear or Zandalari trolls. Feel free to continue putting your ideas here, even if I become inactive. The thread is open to everyone and every troll fans.
I will start:
Heritage armor please. The only proper Darkspear looking armor they have is from old dungeons like ZulâAman and ZulâGurub which is outdated armor.
Also, I personally would LOVE a hibiscus flower on the left or right ear, similar to how Taurens have a yellow daffodils.
Why? Because Darkspear trolls are islanders and I would love a little something to show that islander vibes. I will race change into a Darkspear lady with a heartbeat.
itâs simple, but it would make them very pretty and itâs something I would love for my Troll.
And finally, this might be a stretch, but Green skin. Darkspear already have sand troll skin despite the sand trolls being enemies to the Darkspear. They also have Dark troll skin despite them being a almost extinct race, with only 1 left.
So there shouldnât be an argument to introduce green skin, especially when you have Magâhar orcs who can become different clans based on skin color.
In terms of the bigger muscular body for the Forrest troll males, that can simply be introduced through a feature similar to the Orcs having two postures. Just throwing out ideas. Also the green skin trolls would reflect the Revantusk tribe, who are allied with the horde. Unlike the sand trolls and the dark trolls who arenât.
Just more stuff in general. Skin colors, hair colors, Etc.
How about long beard on humans? I mean how hard can that beâŠ
Well this post is mostly for the two troll races, but I guess this is welcomed.
Iâm worried this thread wonât last a week as itâs not elf related
might as well accept other race suggestions
Well your worries are not misplaced, by tomorrow probably it will die but here are my 2 cents
Found this while browsing online. Basically itâs an idea for Darkspear heritage armour based on each class. While the idea itself might be a little lofty thereâs still some cool ideas here.
And Troll toes customization too thanks
Trolls should also be able to carry a customizable bridge just in case they need to make an emergency stop during their travels.
Pretty sure Bridges are more of a elf thing, though they tend to blow it up in fighting scenes.
Example: Tyrande and Sylvanas in Warcraft 3
âYou shall not passâ BOOOOM
Elves have really devolved from Trolls, itâs sad
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For beginners give both zandalari and darkspear trolls footwear, because it makes zero sense for them not to wear them.
For darkspear specifically: either give the males straight back option, or to the females crooked back. OR preferably both.
(Although this request can be extended to every horde race.
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Our is just chill lounge now, we got we âwantedâ 
I came here to comment this exact thing.
It annoys me that females have true hindtoes while males look like a painted on nail on their heels.
Also troll beards and more face options.
Protruding chin and lower jaw as well like pre-wow trolls, they have huge tusks in their mouth so it makes sense to have a noticeable underbite.
though this might be a trait limited to forest trolls who often are shown to have very broad chins and lower jaw due to tusks growing from their lower jaw instead of the upper jaw like jungle and zandalari trolls.
But I am torn if I want darkspear to get a buff model for customization or if forest trolls should be added as an allied race.
But Blizzard need to stop being so lazy and continue with adding more customization options and heritage gear.
There isnât really anything that could go wrong with adding additional customization so they dont need to be âcarefulâ about it.
They should just go wild, hell make a community event out of it and let people send in their own work and we can vote for the best ones to be added.
Honestly I would rather they add more customizations than add a new race. FF14 in terms of customizations is so advanced. Wow has plenty of races anyway
Congrats. Your Nightborne looks amazing in that armor
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Trolls in general (mostly females but hey) :
Understandable. If we didnât have allied races I would agree.
But as it is currently with so many races having an allied race that is almost identical it would be odd for a customization to change from the core so much.
Magâhar, dark iron, highmountain, lightforged are on the same faction as the originals even though there is very little difference other than skin colours.
True true. But if you think about it they already did it with void elves giving them High elf (regular) skin tones and hair colors:
Theyâve done it too with Wildhammers and bronzebeard dwarves sharing the same race.
Or sand trolls sharing the same race as the Darkspear.
Allied races existed before these customizations were given, which clearly shows they donât intend to add more allied races anytime soon. Especially with the dragon race coming soon.
Absolutely, that is true.
But those are just tattoo and skin colours.
Forest trolls while using the same rig has a different model.
A model that is also outdated.
With the update needed and the fact that Forest and ice trolls have tusks coming from their lower jaw instead of the upper. Making the customization options different compared to smaller trolls.
I can see blizzard wanting to make a profit off it with potential race changes etc.
But in the end, as long as I get it I am happy 
Same. Would LOVE to play a Forrest troll. They have been a huge part of Warcraft history since Warcraft 2, similar to the High elves.
And the Revantusk tribe would be a wonderful addition to the horde. We saw them recently in BFA in the terrace of speakers, Zandalar. They spoke kindly of the horde unlike the other troll tribes.
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Would toe ring jewellery work ?
Personally, I am not a fan of the boots collar compromise to fit races with non human feet.
However, I could see those âcollarsâ instead made into ankle bracelets/bangles. Groups of two or three, made of ivory or painted wood on either foot or both.
The murloc backpack could be reworked to become a sling for a sleeping baby troll to be carried on the back ?

Trolls / Tauren (who know inscription) could wear a pot of paint/dye on their belt and make customised shield decorations maybe ?
(I like some of the primitive painted shields in the game).
Just throwing ideas out now

I like this idea, it sounds lovely. 
Why only horde? Arenât humans or dwarves or gnomes for instance allowed to have crooked backs? Could look quite cool, especially if humans got long beards⊠(okay maybe it wouldnât look so cool on gnomes since thereâs so little actual âbackâ to them).
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