I am thrilled about the upcoming character customization option for Shadowlands. The new skins tones and tattoo’s look fantastic! This expansion could bring justice to the old troll female model. The original model was quite different from our current model. During the alpha fase troll ladies were cruel and vicious looking creatures ( see examples 1 and 2). This was however changed because the player didn’t liked them much. For me this was a big disappointed. Trolls and orc female are basically just normal humanoids but then with a funny skin colour.
htt ps://i.redd.it/r3h642gc0jq11.jpg
ht tps://vaultmedia.ign.com/rpgvault/image/wow032601_1080261941.jpg
Do you people think this more savage looking troll would be a nice addition to the character customization. I’m pretty sure this old model has got to be same where on a usb-stick
Stay stafe,
PS: I can’t post links or images somehow so you have to fix the adress yourself
In order to make trolls that have posture shown in examples they would have to create skeleton rig from scratch + mesh and textures.
If we know that allied races are using rig from core races ,we can assume that vicious trolls will not happen.
I like my lady trolls as they are. They just need to give us a wider range of expressions and fix some of the hair styles that look like they are made of paper. Also give custom druid forms for travel and moonkin form, newer races get them, we should too.
I played with that Alpha client once, those early troll women look atrocious. I don’t think they would be very popular, most troll female players tend to pick the “baby face” option (it was more noticeable with the old models though).
I disagree, they lookabsolutely fine the way they are, some fairstyles needs to be revisited to not lookso 2D as they currently are, and get more face options.
I surely hope that the previes don’t show all of face paint. I am really hoping for just single stripe over eyes.
And single stripe over lips.
I know there is close to no chance for it but new melee animations and especially sprint one would make a big difference.
Ok~ I just transformed into interesting troll that I didn’t even know existed as unique model in game. Maybe because I visited throne of thunder once or twice
It’s these old stories & legends telling that trolls are these disgusting mongrels.
In reality, we just some homies lookin’ to chill out and have bad plate Transmogs.
I wouldn’t say that they look bad in all plate transmogs, they’re a big challenge but not impossible. The one which you’re using looks very good on them imo.
And in SL they rock it with Necrolord set, no other race- even Zandalari- looks as good in this set : https://shadowlands.wowhead.com/news=311985/necrolords-maldraxxus-covenant-transmog-sets#modelviewer:4:16;900002;8;182300;7;182041;5;182035;6;182040;1;182036;3;182037;10;181961:8+0