[Troll-RP] Rush'ai 2024 - 16-20th of April

Zandalari couriers and Rastari are dispatched from the various ziggurats of the golden city, carrying notices written in fine gilded inks. Priests walk from the Terrace of the Chosen to speak on behalf of their loa and encourage their followers to read the news being spread. Farther out, the word is spread to the various troll tribes and settlements.

Faithful of the Loa,

De Rush’ai be upon us - a celebration of de ancient bonds of trollkind, the heroisms of old and a gleaming future! Each year, one of de tribes have taken it upon themselves to host de event, and any troll willing to take pilgrimage to their lands!

De signs have spoken! It be de Withebark tribe, who shall bear dis utmost honour! Surrounded by de moors of our ancient enemy, de Withebark will lead de worship of de Loa and enact a Great Hunt! Worthy kills to earn favour, legendary kills to carve out ya names in history! What’s more, an even GREATER tournament will be held – test your mettle against ya rival tribe, prove yourself de mightiest!

De Golden Fleet has sent vessels, by Pa’ku’s grace, to de distant territories of Tanaris, de Echo Isles and Stranglethorn vale. Small delegations of GENEROUS Arcanital will venture to de landlocked and smaller tribes - to ensure dem safe passage to de Hinterlands!

Glory to the loa.


Date: 16 - 20 April

Location: Hinterlands & Arathi Highlands

OOC Faction: Horde

While we continue to wait for any information about patch 10.2.6, it is with great honour and pride that the Terrace of Tribes troll community finally can announce the fourth iteration of the Rush’ai Pilgrimage!

The pilgrimage itself will be initiated by a brief ceremony at the Altar of Zul before we make our way towards the southern Highlands and in order to truly test the organisers’ mettle, we have decided that this year’s iteration will last from the 16th to the 20th of April.

As tradition dictates, trolls from all over Azeroth come together once a year to honour their tribes as well as religious allegiances and perhaps most importantly, connect with the rest of trollkind. Please keep in mind that violence or other types of extreme hostility against your fellow trolls during this sacred pilgrimage will be punished.

Additional information, including a more thorough overview of the different activities, will be announced as we come closer to event itself but you can rest assured that you are in for a blast!


https://imgur.com/gallery/SHOEDyF (Screenshots from Rush’ai 2023)

https://discord.gg/ptbZ9j2 (Troll Community Discord)


Loa above, y’all are in for a treat! :lizard:


Sound de drums, we about to get Di’chuka in here?!!


The Rush’ai is always great fun. Join if you can, folks; I wouldn’t miss it :>


Gonna lose the tournament so hard this year. LET’S GO.


Man, the troll community is in for a treat with these event(s)!

Glad to see you guys pick up the pace to not slag off behind your favourite ancient enemies, the Night Elves! :slight_smile:

Sadly I don’t have a Troll, otherwise I would’ve joined in!


… there is no such thing as too many sacrifices to the loa, so your participation isn’t completely off the table, Mori :innocent:


This is what scares me the most about Trolls. :smiling_face_with_tear:. One could be there when they pushed their great-grand-grand-grand-father’s face into the dirt for some lunch money and 10-thousand+ years I suddenly find myself a viable sacrifice for some random Loa! 10/10 would join if I had a Troll character!


Being a sacrifice can be fun! I promise! The loa would treat you very well.

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So hyped for it!
Every annual Rush’ai event had been nothing but an absolute blast so far; praising the Loa and diversity of each attending tribe, testing one’s mettle in ritualistic combat against your fellow trolls, partaking in a sacred hunt for viable sacrifices…and of course, some snarky comments and arguments…perhaps brawls too, but make sure the peace enforcers don’t see you :eyes: We got it all!

It’s a great opportunity to try out some proper troll RP especially if you are a newbie! We welcome all. (LF some elf sacrifices)


Hello everyone !

There are still 6 spots left for the tournament of the Rush’ai, if you have a troll and wish to partake in the competition, contact me on discord #dinomancerehyko42 with the following information :

  • OOC/IC name of the Character
  • Loa they worship.
  • Their tribe/ or if they are Zandalari.
  • Their ic class/fantasy class e.g witch doctor, axe thrower and so on.
  • Guild if any (Optionally)

Hurry up, only ten days left !


Excited to announce that the spots have all been filled!

Good look to our combattants and may the loa’s favor be with them!

As the start of our journey is close, we remind people to bring tongues potions with them, as we will be passing through/near Alliance guild territories.

Further note that the Arathi we will be headed towards is the modern BFA Arathi. If you vanish from phasing, there’s an npc who can get you into the right time. We will gather in the Hinterlands on the first day, so there is still time to check before we make it there.


:lizard: RUSH’AI REMINDER :lizard:

Believe it or not but the Rush’ai is almost upon us! Trolls from both far and wide will make their way to the Altar of Zul at 20.00 tonight and commence this year’s pilgrimage. However, not all is good in the northern woodlands as vengeful elves and their allies wait in the shadows…

Location: Altar of Zul, the Hinterlands
Time: 20.00
Warmode: Off


With the generous help of the Highvale and Boulderhelm Brigade, the first day of the Rush’ai involved a fun bit of rp-pvp. Some of us had to limp the rest of the way to our mid-trek rest.

Thanks to our resident event photographers, we have many pictures in our imgur image folder already!
