Troll Vs blood elves

I’m confused.

as of now I’m planing to keep my races like this:

Blood elf: Paladin, Mage, Warlock, priest, Hunter, DH, DK, Rogue, monk

Shaman: Vulpera

Warrior: Pandaren

Druid: Darkspear Troll.

Second Option

Make each class part of a Troll tribe. So almost all of them are Trolls.

Warrior: Amani male (green skin Darkspear)

Paladin: Zandalari

Hunter: Gurubashi Huntress

Warlock: Sand troll

Shaman: Darkspear

Shadow priest: Dark troll

Mage: Ice troll (blue skin, white hair)

Monk: Pandaren

DK: Blood troll (white DK skin, red tattoos)

Druid: Amani female (Green skin Darkspear)

DH: Blood elf

Does option 1 or Option 2 sound more interesting?

While I love option 2 Being a big troll fan of all the tribes, I am sad blizzard isn’t going anywhere positive with them. I hoped for a pan troll union after the Zandalari joined, but alas. One can only hope for the future.

And option 1 is just nice because it’s more diverse, even though Blood elves are the majority there.

First off: Vulpera Shaman is a terrible choice alongside Goblin Shaman, they make no sense lorewise, or very little. But you do you.

Second of all: The Zandalari only recently just joined us and we don’t know how the other Troll tribes view the Horde.
I find it sad that Blizzard doesn’t branch out on this.
We know there are as of now Dark Trolls and Sanfury Trolls in the Horde (because of the recent customizations towards Darkspear Trolls)

That being said, I genuinely think the designers forgot that Sandfury Trolls aren’t part of the Horde and that they just gave the Darkspear Trolls every skin of lanky Trolls out in Azeroth :stuck_out_tongue:

I really wish we got those buff jacked up Troll from the Ice Trolls and the Amani, sadly we don’t know if these tribes view the Horde as an ally.
I do think Blizzard was lazy with Darkspear Trolls. Darkspear Trolls do have berserkers (the same kind of the jacked up ones you see with the Amani and the Ice ones) and we do have Forest Trolls (Revantusk Tribe) as a part of the Horde.

I would really diverse your first option more if I were you. I’d read up on lore of the Horde and the more core races like Orcs, Trolls and Undead.

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their destiny is to fill a mass grave after they get delusions of grandeur and we kill them in yet another troll dungeon or raid

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Blood Elves should’ve went Alliance :stuck_out_tongue:


If you played in Zandalar you would see they tried to show the Amani, Sandfury, and even the Some of the Gurubashi in a evil way. This happened on Zandalari soil. Most of the troll tribe speakers were very negative about the horde too.

Sigh… why blizzard

Yes I know and most of them were aggro on Horde players except the Raventusk tribe, it’s a shame. I really like Troll lore.

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If only… but hey at least we got Void elves.

I’m actually kinda happy they are in the Horde. The Middle Eastern aesthetic goes so well with the other exotic cultures of the horde

Alliance always seemed more European inspired.

Whole game is inspired by European myths :stuck_out_tongue: only recently do they seem to distance themselves from that.
Yes there were Tauren inspired by native american, but Taurens do look like the minotaur who in turn was from Greek myth.
Orcs were originally mongols along with gothic barbarians. They later dropped the mongol thing and gave that to the Centaur. Orcs are just your regular germanic warriors now. Bunch of axe wielding barbarians.

i was mostly focusing on cultural aspects like food, and archeticture.

I am aware majority of the races are inspired by European myth

Interesting, I don’t notice the food culture of various races. What did you pick up on that?

Actually never mind food is something I rarely notice aside from wine and beer which is famous in all races.

However I did catch that Blood elves use Shisha/ Hookah.

Actually I do think it’s noticeable. Take a look at Darkspear Trolls, they’re all fishermen. Some of them take up hunting. None of them do any farming or gathering (maybe a few berries or fruits here and there).

Then you have Humans and Orcs who keep pig farms around. Although Humans eat more veggies, well just eat veggies. Maybe Orcs are so aggressive cause all they eat is meat meat meat :stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe that’s why Humans were not Hunters until Cataclysm? They were more focused on livestock and farming that they didn’t require to hunt.

Night Elves got a whole lush forest full with animals and berries or fruits, so I don’t think they eat much besides that.
Taurens are also known Hunters and they do a bit of fishing on the side. Though Taurens take hunting the most seriously because they use every part of animal.

I don’t know what Gnomes eat. I think they share with their Dwarven brethren. Who in return keep a couple of sheep farms and hunt on boars and wolves in the wild to eat.

There’s not much diversity in who eats what.

I think beer is an interesting concept. Humans, Orcs and Dwarves are known beer drinkers. Taurens don’t seem that much into alcoholic, I think Darkspear Trolls more fan of mojitos or exotic drinks I suppose. Night Elves seem like the wine fellas, aswell with Blood Elves. Gnomes don’t seem to fancy alcohol either, and Goblins they would rather sell it then consume it!

I think most “sophisticated” races are wine drinkers, while the “primitive” races prefer beer hah

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Goblin shaman are the best shamans. Bargains with elements is very original and fun.


I don’t see anything wrong with all of those choices? Why is there even a comparison of what fits lore-wise and what does not when you see so many examples of all in the context they belong in? A mark of what makes good, interesting characters and plots should play a part in breaking from the norm and remaining respectful of its core subject. That means it is in no way supporting murloc death knights or whatever malarkey argumentation.

Take for example, why do we have Goblin and Vulpera shaman? And if you disagree to the reason, why so? and why can’t it work? etc.

But sure, if you really want to wear the rose-tinted glasses of traditionalism, then you may as well play your classes attached to their original availability.

Because elements do not care about materialistic things like gold.
Vulpera because they are a silly, fan service of a race.

And honestly a murloc death knight would sound cool. Not that I want a dozen of those. But one guy being the champion of the lich king? Sounds interesting how he became that.

Just because Goblins value and trade in things, it doesn’t mean all of that is gold. Have you not done or even bothered to uncover the Goblin Shaman in Deepholm? how a scuffed deal ended and how he decided in the end to join the Earthen Ring?

As for the Vulpera… what does saying “hurr, fan service race !!!” have to do with anything contexual to choosing a class combo that fits them? I don’t like them very much either, but I don’t demean them at every point just to avoid actually making them fit.

In that same vein, why does a Murloc Champion of the Lich King sound a better premise than Vulpera?

If you can’t be creative about these things, let me tell you that saying they are “hurr fan service!” is probably one of the worst things you can do to argue lore appropriation lmao.

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Blackhand got the respect from the elements after he forged weapons (and himself) in molten fire to fight against the Ogres by using the Doomhammer. He respectfully gave it back to Orgrim afterwards. Since the elements stated that he could not keep it as a weapon.


Makes me sick.

Evidence of this ‘UwU Little Furbags here’s your Elemental Power UwU’ where?

Or are you just flailing again.

Again, I couldn’t give a toss about Vulpera overall because I don’t vibe with them, but I do need to see if i’ve not been looking at it correctly if there is actual evidence of this UwUness happening.

Dolly and dot singing on the road, quest NPCs /lick you in quest text, even the devs recognise it lmao.

Do you mean Ice Troll?

I’m not sure what I should answer you to be honest.

I am clearly a Troll fan and playing this one as an Amani (even though the skin is not perfect).
I also have other Troll characters for almost every sub race of them (only not one Blood Troll).

I say play what you like. Even if you’re making all of those Trolls you still have enough space for the other races and keep it diverse.

The only problem here is how much do you want to play all of them. If you’re already planing on a twink for each class, why not simply make both?

Yes and no. Those were still lied to by Zul. At the end many even went to Rastakhans funeral.

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