Trollbane (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Where are my Retro Deluxe dudes? I’m Razorel, the rogue :slight_smile:

I remember you Sok i was Troll Shaman Rasta ( rank 14)

Rasta Troll Shaman HWL and my freind Reddevil also HWL Tauren Warrior , we both played in Thundercats

Hiddenghost, Troll Rogue
Have played in The Remains, then later on in Exomna.
At the moment playing Undead Rogue @ Gehennas called “Aambeienzalf”


Would love to get in touch with old guildies and people from the server back in the days. :slight_smile:

High Warlord Fansir reporting in bois!


Holy s**t.

It’s Burbur here. Your sincere Warlord (orc warrior) apprentice.