Trollbane (PvP) Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Trollbane in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Main: Miquexia - Undead Rogue
Alt/Previous main: Quaslider, Orc Shaman

Played in < Blackraven > (most of the time in Vanilla). Others are < Ravenblood >, < STERF >, < Drama > and < Thundercats >.

Mostly looking for players of the < Blackraven > guild, to name a few: Dethsam, Oizopower, Lolith, Sharana, Alucard, Xcapos, Promwarm, etc.


Wrothag - Orc Warrior

also was a member of Thundercats for a while :))

wrong char tho^^

Maniak - Undead Mage

Played in < DiE >, Death in Excess.

Any of you out there? Bruise, Demraq, Pope, Lojen, and Muji/Kiji a pair of absolute tossers.

Maniak, check the Bloodscalp reconnection forum too, also FB group for Death In Excess

Clia reporting in,

Used to be IN DiE with the rest of you retards here! Like Maniak and Wrothag :smiley:
Whats going down?

Shaunii - Undead mage - Played in thundercats for a while then Euphoria

Milfhunter, orc hunter

Played in < DiE>, Death in Excess.

Rolling horde once again! Who is on?

Monk, horde druid from Exomna/TiC. We are rolling horde again on Shazzrah with a few old guildies

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Huub/Hublet druid tauren resto

Also have been in Exomna/TiC pretty much at the end of vanilla and later on.

Considering rolling horde pvp Shassraz and alliance pvp Golemag. Both resto druid again. Edit: Last minute change since most ppl decide to go horde shassraz i know


Sok, troll male warrior (Tank)

was maintank in DiE (death in excess).

Rolling on shazzrah horde with some more old DiE members, not sure how active i’ll be tough. it’s been a while :smiley:

also hi wrothag, [censored]hunter, maniak (hope you’re speccing fire again <3) and clia :smiley:


Hi guys,

The bulk of my Vanilla time was spent as Bam - Troll shaman - in Blackraven and DiE.
I later also played as Juggy - Tauren shaman - also in DiE.

Hoping to reconnect with a bunch of Blackraven dudes. I’m thinking of Oizo, Mamie, Skaap, Limdul, Kussol, Doomcaller, …

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Posting with the wrong char, I see.

One addition: I rolled belf pally (Nortwin) in TBC, and was the GM of STERF.

Dend, Undead rogue
Raided with Exomna / The Inner Circle for a long time in Vanilla and most of TBC.
Good times :slight_smile:

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Vally - undead lock,played in Talent and DiE
rolling on Shazzrah,Horde side.

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Blaatschaap, Tauren warrior.
Played in Exomna/TiC.
Probably rolling horde on Shazzrah.


OMG Blaat!

Ik ben Kaap, speelde Xandius (Warrior) en Xandia (Warlock) in Exomna.

Exomna zit op Golemag. Add ikaap#2472

Was jouw RL naam Dennis?! En groepte je niet altijd met Nick (Shaman) en mij (Kaap / Xandius)?