<Trouble> [EU-HORDE-RAZORGORE] - Community Driven, Progression Focused Raiding Guild

Trouble [EU-Horde-Razorgore] is a community-driven, progression-focused, English-speaking raiding guild. We’ve been playing online games together for upwards of 15 years, and we’ve picked up a whole bunch of great players and good friends along the way. We have a wide array of players from all across Europe, and beyond, with varying different levels of experience.

We have players who have reached high heights in both PvE and PvP across various expansions, but also others that have never even played vanilla WoW before. With this in mind, we are creating an inclusive guild where everyone is welcome, as long as they’re enthusiastic and willing to play with us to the best of their ability.


We will be raiding two nights a week (all times are in Server Time (CET) ):

Tuesday 7:50-11:30 PM
Sunday 7:50-11:30 PM

We will also have a third raid night when there is more content, but this is not mandatory and will not count towards attendance:

Monday 7:50-11:30 PM

All participants are expected to bring their own consumables. You don’t have to be doing top tier DPS/HPS, but you do need to respect the rest of the guild enough to bring what you need to be functional in a raid.

Loot System

Our loot system is a very simple, closed bid DKP system with partial decay to help deter hoarding. Name a more iconic duo than loot council and drama.


Like any other guild, we would prefer the dominant classes with meta specs. However, we do believe that the player comes above the class and spec in a lot of circumstances. If you’re dedicated, positive and willing to listen, those things go an exceptionally long way.

With that in mind, we are willing to give most people a shot, with the caveat that those classes and specs with a generally weak performance may find it harder to earn a permanent raid spot. If you are very confident in your ability to play an off-meta spec that isn’t listed below to an acceptable level, feel free to contact us:

Druid - CLOSED

Hunter - CLOSED


Priest - Holy

Rogue - CLOSED

Shaman - CLOSED

Warlock - CLOSED

Warrior - Fury

Classes that are closed are still welcome to join, but you probably won’t be able to raid with us unless/until we have people drop out.


We’d love to answer any questions you may have. The best way to contact us is by joining our Discord:


You can also talk to an officer directly on Discord by adding an officer to your friends list:

JJ#5133, ianb#7738, Fugger#2372, blart blart blart#4655, Samszee#8393, zeejay#9465

On Battle net:

JJWF#2321, Beanbag#1500, Fugger#2886, Minelaugh#1147, Samszee#2275, ZeeJayTV#2448

Or in-game:

Jj, Strife, Alex, Cur, Gains, Zeejay

Thanks for your time!

We still have a spot for a fury warrior in our raid group.

Now looking for Holy Priests and Resto Shamans!

Still taking in Resto shamans & Holy priests!

Would still like an additional Holy priest.

There is still a spot for a holy priest and a fury warrior.

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