Trouble Picking A Class

Hey everyone,
I’ve been a WoW player for many many years now, and I always end up having the problem of finding what class I enjoy to play.
Luckily I’m in a guild that is kind enough not to chastise me for keep swapping.
Think my biggest problem is finding a class that is good in Raids/HCs (PvE being my main thing I enjoy) but also having the fun in downtime moments away from raiding, be that just fishing/Archaeology/doing old content for Mog/Rep/mounts.

I know a lot will say “play what is fun for you”, but I am struggling to find that, I enjoy to being helpful, which tends to lead towards Hybrid classes.
I’ve noticed Melee DPS classes seem to be a bit of a disadvantage in raids but then again, this is phase 1.
If anyone can remember the later phases (and potentially future “classic revamps”) what classes are useful/interesting to play.
My main goal from this is to find that class where I can pump a lot of time and energy in.
My main during Vanilla use to be warrior from TBC until BfA. With everything we know now compared to the good old days, are warriors still good dps? (I know Prot isn’t what it use to be).
I currently have nearly every class at 85, so please help me.
I don’t want to be a Main Tank for raids, but no issue tanking 5mans. I can heal and DPS with the best (i.e. moving from FIRE!!)
Thank you, anyone who responds kindly and with positive responses.

“I enjoy being helpful” This applies to about all the roles. You can be helpful as a Tank, dps and as a healer.

Just play what you find most appealing.
Tanking is always fun, but then again, everything should be fun if you do it in a guild group.

I have one of each class and a couple spares, as i don’t tend to dual spec.

At the moment I’m maining DK frost in pve. SP in pvp. shaman mixed pve and pvp. Levelling a DK tank. These are the classes I am enjoying at the moment: never been a min/maxer so my dps is average, my pvp is average and I don’t really care what class might become better later on as I can catch up very fast and become average on that if I start to enjoy it.

I find i like swopping between melee and magic classes: I’m a bit slow these days to be a great healer and tanking can sometimes be hectic as in later dungeons/raids the pile of mechanics (retail) are hard for me to remember if not done it for a few weeks.

This is just a long way of saying: play what you enjoy with people you enjoy playing with.

If you can’t find it, take a break.

As DK you can do anything solo if you enjoy doing the collection stuff. As druid you have all roles available + flight form for doing out in the world stuff (it makes a BIG difference, you will never be able to play anything else again). Afaik both DK and druids are consistently viable in Cata and MoP, probably depending a little on what spec you play

I have been reading, watching and just generally getting a feel from other games that I play, and I am oddly being drawn to the classic idea of an “adventuring hero”, which seems to be a warrior.

On my 1st play through of WoW Vanilla, I was warrior and I feel it’s pull again. The hulking power house of metal and muscle, violence and honour. So started to relevel a warrior and let’s see how it goes at 85!

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