Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound 🧐 (update)

That sounds like something i would do :joy:


Lol hahahaha :rofl: that’s rich xD Popcorn is a part of forum culture :rofl:


If I may ask, what happened?

They keep derailing threads. Latest one is the "date the poster above you " thread.

I moved my threads to general, because god forbid were allowed fun threads in there xD

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Oh… that one. It’s surprising that thread stills alive.
I’ve post there once. Thought it was funny and got an equally funny reply.

You did well in my opinion, in General Section you can find more people.


Shout out to my homies in general :wink:

Also thanks again for the help with the achieve runs the other day!
Let me know if you need help with other ones. Managed to duo all of Antorus except for Argus(he needs 5 char min)

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You can send a message on Battlenet whenever you want. Just tell me place, day and hour I can check if I’m able.

However, I’m pretty sure I’m not able Saturday at 9PM.


Sorry what i meant is i already did it, and if you want to do it i’ll help if you need me xD

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Hahaha no need to apologize, I didn’t got it.
Sure, I’ll ask you if I need help.

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Awesome! just hit me up on the forums or in game whenever!

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So lets talk about flagging someone simply because they said UwU on the forums

I’m too old to know what UwU even is so I’m flagging you!

Now get off my lawn!!!


I am so happy you said that as i have no idea either . I think we need to mud wrestle on the lawn ! I said that out loud didnt i.


Ugh if that is the case then I should report most of Argent Dawn Stormwind Trade Chat.

Care to share context of your case?

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lol hahaha

A forumer said that one of his posts got flagged on his UwU from a UwU thread.

Was mostly to bump the thread, as i’m seeing more posts on the forums getting flagged and nothings wrong with the actual post itself.

Hmm that’s unfortunate, since it wasn’t out of context or off-topic is thread was about so-called ‘uwu’.

However, I think bumping old threads is against forums rules

Do you think was someone with multiple characters that flagged his/her post?

Edit: On a side note, talking about closed thread is also against forum rules. I’m guilty of that one.

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Argent dawn flaggers if i’m honest here. Though i do agree with a lot of the flags if its inappropriate.
But simply because it’s a certain poster that gets flagged for just simply being them, then its actual flag abuse.

I agree to some extent.
If a poster gets continuously flagged by a certain Community or group I think that’s harassment and ends up with flag abuse.

However, as always, depends on the case. For instance, not long ago a thread was closed because Blizzard considered people were harassing a poster.
I took part on the thread by posting
“…You’re embarrassing yourself at this point”. My post could have been flagged as harassment or offensive.

Although there’s no reason to harassment a poster, if a poster is known for ‘trolling’ and ‘insulting’ others the normal reaction people have is being ostile towards him/her.

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1 step closer to TL3 dreams!!

Personal player profiles now show TL level

Memeber meaning TL2 / Regular meaning TL3

:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: and u can ignore peeps!

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