And so is Sinaaki xD
But we got Blizzed xD
I got a complementary vacation aswell xD
And so is Sinaaki xD
But we got Blizzed xD
I got a complementary vacation aswell xD
I’d find it odd saying that in any aspect of my life to be fair “I am regular”
I am just a member I don’t feel special enough and Bethesda always said I am special!
And Азриил !!!
What did you say that promoted that?. Vacation I have never seen you being a meanie or a troll that much.
Didnt say anything ahha xD, posted a image someone linked xD
Turns out some people didnt like it so i guess both of us got a vaykay xD
I guess getting suspended every 2 weeks doesnt help.
There had been like 3 forum generations
The very old one from the dawn of wow that had ignore etc.
The one that came after when they moved the forums on battle net that look just like this one (minus trust levels) and had no ingore feature.
Then came the one we have now.
We lacked the ignore feature for a very very long time
Well… I could always start cheating, like …
Ah I know how that is it used to happen to me alot there was always some person who troll flagged me that disagreed with my opinions and I wasn’t even rude most of the time.
… troll dk ? From unrelated account.
Exactly my dude. I get suspended even tho everyone knows I’m the most kind-hearted person on these forums.
… and talk to myself beteween two web browsers.
Erm. i should make coffee and stop messing with forums.
It is a bit of a messy to use two accounts on forums same time. Cannot use same browser and I hate using chrome
Hey ! I remember you! xD
That’s me aswel and have given the most likes and I am full of love these days.
In the mountains.
Ah dang you were faster than me.
I died xD!
I promise I do not like myself on alternate accounts. I promise !