Try this new build and enjoy gains

Inspect me for the build.
Its mostly for pvp obviously. Very offensive. Was legit thinking that maybe we got the whole idea wrong and that immolation aura was the answer.

You open with 2x and potentially more immolation auras after the demonsurge eye beam combo and then instantly go to meta and you reset the stacks with meta granding you 2 more empowered ones that can proc more. Each of those immolates can tick up to 1m dmg total while you keep your pressure with everything else.

You can remove relentless onslaught if you want and pick netherwalk or essence break for more def or more burst.

Also the talent know your enemy gives a nice 10% extra damage to eye beam and your immolation aura coupled with isolated pray.

Enjoy the gains fellow dhs. I think this build will become the new meta with a few twicks. It melts melee cleaves and does very well against everything else.

A good dh probably pilot it a bit better than i do. Only a casual 2.4k dh here.


On dummy this definitely feels much better than the classic spec. Thanks for the idea!
i’m just a pleb in PVP but this spec might actually make me push for some rating

I tried it for about 20 arenas shuffle and is not that great. YOu do have a @!# ton of AOE sustain, but the problem is that if you can’t kill someone with demonsurge you are just pretty useless. The IMO dmg is not putting enough pressure from what I can tell. To me it feels like a good burst build, but outside of meta you are quite weak.

I went back to the classic build

What pvp this spec is good at? You mean arena? Because in pvp where you cant keep uptime , mostly 1v1 and bgs, immo aura is a bad choice.

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