Trying to find friends

Hello good people from Argent Dawn, I am a 27 years old player that is trying to find just friends to enjoy together this game, make some dungeons, raids, pvp… learn about roleplay. Just have good fun with nice company. I really like to chat by Discord. (I need to improve my english) If you are looking for the same, or there is a place in your guild for me. contact me please.
Thank you for reading.
See you in Azeroth.

Ps: Here my battletag Bondurant#21672


No worries Nelox, I have the same problem with fel addicts.

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Same here.

Also, get on my level Nelox.

Hello! Don’t forget to join various discord communities of AD! You’d probably find good friends in there :smiley:
Also, joining a guild works good most of times if you’re not in one

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Get out of here Nelox. Where my man Jimbo at?

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And that is how the post trying to find friends ingame turns into… I do not know what exactly.
Thank you guys!:+1:t2:

While I’m sucky at game content…and haven’t done it in ages nor do I think I really have time for it for a while, I love talking about RP, DnD, horror movies, wrestling, tv shows, Donald Trump’s funny hair and … well everything else.
I’ll add you to btag!

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Welcome to the realm Lenric :smiley:

Since you mentioned you’d like to learn about RP I’d recommend giving our guide to newcomers a read, it’s got all the basics laid out for you. I’ve linked it at the bottom of this reply.

Once you got the basics down you can start to design your character based on your interests and preferences, which may take a while of thinking, planning, and reading about the lore. Most people enjoy that character designing process a lot - if you get stuck, want some help with specific questions or just feel like discussing topics and making friends, we’re here for you on the forums and in-game.

I’d also recommend making a new forum topic once you feel prepared to start RPing, to introduce your character and describe what type of guild you’d like to join.

Not just so they can show you the ropes, but also to get that sense of community you wrote about.

It’s wonderful to spend time with people in RP on a recurring basis, where you create your stories together as part of your characters’ shared purpose.

(You could join a non-RP/social guild instead, of course, and simply participate in walk-up RP only. But I’d warmly recommend you try to find a RP guild to call home. It gives your guildies more reasons to want to interact with you and befriend you. And the RP guild will likely meet your drive to do game content as most also do dungeons and raids and social stuff together.)

This realm gives you a dazzling diversity of RP guilds to choose from, ranging from light-hearted to rather serious, with a broad or a niche guild concept, with loads of people or small and close-knit.

These guilds come in a whole range of flavours based on what kind of RP the players want to be doing, and where, and how.

Scheming evil magic users pretending to be merely scholars? Worgen fighting tooth and nail against the forsaken to reclaim Gilneas? A cheeky rogues-only guild that goes around thieving from strangers? The ongoing tension between cynical war veterans with PTSD who work side by side with innocent and optimistic new recruits?

Funny and silly Peon RP?

You name it, we got it.

Some guilds are strictly or loosely race-based, class-based, location-based, or part of a lore organisation. Others focus on a certain genre instead and take on a selection of races/classes or simply allow anyone to join. They may have a home-base. They may travel all over Azeroth and beyond as part of their adventures or missions.

By genre I mean: military, mercenary, diplomacy, adventure, criminal, townships, mercantile, scholarly/research, piracy, etc. If none of that directly appeals to you, don’t worry - with this many guilds about, there is something for everyone.

Hope this helps, Lenric! Again, welcome to Argent Dawn and on a final note, don’t worry too much about your English. Your post is clear and friendly and moreover, people here are generally quite forgiving and helpful.

Here’s that guide I mentioned:

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