Trying to See Race Change Cooldown? Possible?

hey i changed server to firemaw but my death knight cant seem to faction change it says cooldown. i know i race changed i couple of weeks back but anyway to see if that is still on cooldown or what? because stuck on firemaw horde now… and would like to go ally

You can view it on your payment history and from there on add 30 days and that is your cooldown to the last second for Classic WoW Progression servers like Cata.

no i cant bought the race change in start of wrath and just didnt use it for a long time. so i paid for it months ago :frowning:

Ouch… Anything else that you did recently then that can help as a marker when you used it? Achievements? Special events irl?

I’m not sure if consuming the race change token also adds a record on the payment history that you have used an race change token and no money was deduced but if it’s not there not much else you can do but try again later.

legit cant play my char now… u cant even do daily’s because it so ally sided… cant see how they cannot just remove that cd instead of having 30 days or what it the cooldown is… for a race change

Because the developers policy put it there, if you want to see it changed you could suggest it through the ingame suggestion box.

but aint there a way a gm can tell me how long there is left for my cd? before i can faction change or?

You could ask them to see if they can give you a better timeframe.

But not remove it essentially.

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