Tuning Changes for June 9

Guess whats coming with the next corruption vendor reset… haha

is this nerf to versatility, amp versa, surging vitality or all together?

as far as i understand and read, its versatility as a stat. They arnt nerfing corruptions. So even without corruption, your versatility stat just lost 33% value.

It’s a nerf to the versa % corruption.

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so will it now be more beneficial to have surging vitality ? The up time on it seems pretty high

We couldn’t even have a single season without RMX. I’m okay with being nerfed along with a huge other roster of comps, but why on earth is RMX and MLX being untouched?!?


so surging vitality is still good?

You guys should stop being on autopilot Vendetta vs rogue or RMX and actually do the math to see how much % versa a fully geared character will have before typing stuff that smart.

You lose 33% of the versa amp. My versa amps bump my versa from 32% to 57% without procs. That’s +25%. I’d get 17% with the nerf. 49% versa without proc. Without proc! While I play the weapon enchant, Conflict and Strife minor, Lucid Dreams, and some traits like Elemental Whirl !

So basically anyone with my gear without any proc and Conflict takes 50% less damage in my stuns. Conflict and Strife almost has 100% uptime so that’s easily 55%. And VERY OFTEN you will have at least one of the other three buffs I listed up (try it…).

So basically someone with my gear takes 55%-60% less damage in Kidney with C&S major, instead of maybe 70%-80% reduced damage currently and suddenly rogue is broken ? You’re just stupidly delusional. If to you rogue is only fine when you have a 80% wall during their kill windows, but a 60% wall during all kidneys makes it maximum broken you are just an imbecile, sorry.


I wonder if all the versa amps will just get swapped with surging vitality now.

You’re missing the point though.
Rogues became unviable with versa stacking, and not even a month later Blizzard has implemented a fix that benefits you in three different ways.
We’re talking a nerf to versatility stacking, MW cocoon and an equalized C&S, which apparently wasn’t a problem since S3 came out until now. Sure thing versatile also affects rogue.

What was S±tier before versatile stacking? RMX and MLX.
What is S±tier now with versatile stacking? MLX.
So what’s gonna happen when both RMX and MLX are left untouched by the PvP tuning?

What really annoys me isn’t that 80% versatility is unreachable now, by all means get rid of it, but I, and many others, have spent weeks getting echos for a piece of corruption we’ll most likely replace with something else now, in addition to the comps we’re deliberately trying to counter with versatility stacking being unnerfed.

For pve. It was bis for literally all classes in pve and therefore people would have saved their echos so the moment it becomes available they can buy it for all pieces.

I just wish corruptions were disabled in rated PvP altogether. They don’t belong here, and if we nerf one OP thing another will arise.


No. I will, of course, elaborate.

Benefits Rogues a bit. Instead of having 80% dmg reduction vs a Kidney you will only have 60%. That makes Rogues OP ? Because you have only 60% damage reduction on their kill attempts ? I don’t think it does. What’s more this change benefits a lot more stuff. Basically every class with a stun. Aside from yours and a few other specs that abused a bug to bypass C&S. Do you know the strategy MLD had to use vs RMD back in the previous season ? Bash the Rogue and Chaos Bolt him. That’s a buff to that too, is it not ? What about WW and leg Sweep? What about HoJ ? I think the point gets across.

Lmao ans to you that’s a buff to ROGUES ? What the heck man … it’s a buff to literally every single spec in the meta, to every DPS spec be ause they only fight Monks, and to all healers as they may have a spot again now.

Do you truly believe 20 more seconds on Cocoon is a Rogue buff ? Seriously ? Jesus christ stop with the bias !

Yeah, ai actually fixing a bug that allowed Feral, Ele and Arms to bypass a major essence is suddenly a buff to rogue ? Just what’s wrong with you today? Usually you don’t strike me as one who would make such senseless comments.

Actually, a bit before the vendor I was queuing into a lot more MLX and WW Frost MW than RMX. True around 2.3 ish RMX was the most played match up, 200 or 300 higher all of a sudden I was seeing a lot less. But maybe that is just my queues. I strongly feel like people learned the words “RMX OP RMX DOMINATES” and while it was not true this season, people just kept going at it.

That though… I can’t agree more. We should get 33% of the echoes back !


It was predictable, espeailly after AWC games till 70% damp. 40 minutes 2 games, so gut.
P.S. If someone ROFLstomped RMx - they will get nerfs 1000%. This is basic PvP in this game.

Blizzard must be the least player friendly company in the universe.
Grind corruptions -> nerfed
grind new corruptions -> nerf
grind new new corruptions -> nerf
Buff first corruption

ehehe good thing we dont have enough items to keep all the old corruptions so most people need to cleanse the corruptions they just bought if a new op stacking corruption is available

this system is completely stupid and blizz milking MAUs

And I didn;t even buy any corruptions yet and sitting on 25k echoes because I don’t know anymore what to buy :

Stop arguing about RMX
we should unite against our MLX overlords :rofl:

they have to do setup go’s,conflict is still good against them, on the other hand those pve warlocks with their mage friends are having a blast spamming dmg and endless cc all game laughing at you

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Alright I had a coffee.

Versatility stacking is nuts.
Good thing C&S is consistent now for everyone’s sake.
Overlord MW’s got the slap they deserved.
Still screw Blizzard for potentially screwing my farmed echos.
And please deal with destro locks as well.


Vers stacking will still be good (probably best) so idk why everyone is so upset that they have to farm new corruptions

I feel almost everyone generally feels the same. Most of us farmed echoes for versatility and those that didn’t probably still need one. Now the only problem for many of us is, do we now try to get gushing and can we get enough echoes.

I honestly didn’t expect them to make versatile changes so fast, that I bought a rank 3 severe to improve some pve a little but meh, that’s only 5k.

I would have preferred if they flat nerfed ALL amps to reduce haste/mastery as well.

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I use abom it has 200k hp, everyone hits it twice; reaps and then they kill me in 5 seconds with 140k normal hits.

Demo warlock had it worse where imps were at 100k hp, you simply sniped them on cd and killed the healer 5 seconds later.