Tuning Changes for June 9

To be fair Warlocks can now go full haste amps and us melees will just die.


I’m thinking I should hold off buying corruptions until the full cycle goes through the vendor and blizzard does the nerfs.

As it goes right now I could buy TD and tomorrow it gets nerfed by 95%.

Versality is mostly used in pvp and they nerf it. Why don’t give our echoes back so we can buy another corruption such as gushing wound. So when people start stacking it , Blizzard will notice that it’s still op in pvp so they can nerf it again and we can just sit back, wait for next expansion.

Its a good change in general. Versa amps stacking is super boring for the game.
Many classes will still stack versa. problem is that versa amp nerfs are a indirect buff to locks…

if they nerf locks utility or mastery then the game will be finally playable

The 3 classes that don’t stack versa are Locks/Mages/Rogues, they’re all getting buffed by this.

I was thinking this myself and did the math. I go from 25% to 50% vers with the amps (+25%). After the nerf I will be at 41.6% vers(?).
Give it some months for the +3 cloak resistance every week, some more 475 bis items, socket on everything - I’ll be close to 50% vers again.

You farmed for hours just to end up it being useless and you having to farm for hours again and you wonder why people are upset?

what do you mean mage/rogues did not stack vers? Ofc we did, im highest mage world and vers was the only way. Now gusing will be better thought




and still no nerfs to that stupid trinkets (bike and spike) which nuke instantnly 30% of your HP ??? jesus christ blizzard wake up

They buffed rogues/mages and warlocks with these changes, what do you expect :rofl:

Good changes, but destro locks who are already gods will be even better at oneshotting people in a coil :stuck_out_tongue:


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There you go again. Are you smoking something? To clear this up once and for all:

NO, you’re NOT the “highest Mage world”.
Literally. NOT in ANY bracket (2v2, 3v3, RBG). STOP being delusional.

But even if you were, how does that prove or reinforce a point? Like, what?

This guy is either a troll, or a… Well, I can’t word that here. But you got the point.


Wow, that was fast. Mage/Rogue/X wasn’t OP anymore so they had to make changes, ofc.

I like this changes, dont get me wrong, it’s just unbelievable how rogues and locks aren’t hitted with nerfs for so long, even tho the tournaments are plagued by these 2 class’s.

Spite stacking again is what really annoys me.

But he probably lost to those 5 other mages and determined they are cheating for beating him.
Therefore he is r1 world and we should all kneel.


rogue mage cant go without not being op for a month, :rofl:


He is prolly telling he is the highest mage playing frost mage not fire in 2s ladder but cba!

I spent weeks farming echoes now that i thought that my main was done… nope not again lets try and go again with endless grind.

2.2 cr duelist, highest mage btw


btw why do every second player in the forum think that a lock isnt also just insta dying against some comps w/o versa?

edit: cba replying to ppl in the future so ye, I guess every high rated lock switching gear and major like his underwear and all the versa locks on awc are just stupid and dont know how to lock

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