Tuning Changes for June 9

Yep, my PvP career has 2 days left, until the reset. I’m done, even now our winrate against rogue mage is 50% after these changes it will be 10%.

Warrior has a very good toolkit against rogues and mages mate
what comp do you play?


My winrate against only rogue is 90%, against only Mage 80% but when they are Rogue-Mage they kill my healer somehow even if he uses conflict and strife, even if I disarm rogue, fear and reduce their damage and rally. They probably stacked Mastery, we used to win 80% against Rogue-Mage before vendor.

I suspect you all have sod all versatility then because rogue/mage suffered a ton with conflict major + high versatility.

Anyway the change is definitely welcome if it goes through. Maybe now AWC will end before I have to go to bed

As a comparison, I don’t think I have loads and I have 40%. I’d say I’m slightly above average. If you all have under 30% then you are definitely all pretty low.

These changes will be the end of PvP this season. Participation will get much lower because of toxic comps like Rogue-Mage.

My versa during combat is 50-52%, combined with defensive stance I’m pretty solid.

Clownfiesta is incoming, I’m gonna reach 2100 until reset then try 3v3 etc…Perhaps I stack full gushing and troll people after these changes.

If your healer has similar versatility to you and used conflict major then the rogue/mage cannot have stunned them to kill them.

And pvp has been horrendous since the vendor came out imo. haste/mastery amps in lock/mage hands are horrendous to fight, then everyone became invincible. At least these changes make some things less invincible but well locks will still be a pain.

Let me check, he has 3 versatile (12%) and 1 void ritual that boosts the secondary stats, combined with conflic and strife he dies. I can’t imagine how it will be after nerfs, Monk is getting nerfed too. Screw these changes.

Yes because Blizzard always do half-baked changes instead of a full revamp, nerfing only versa now noone will survive against toxic comps.

50%? Wait, does it give you 150% of the 50% versa, aka basically 75% instead of 100 now or am I getting it wrong?

Its all about using your peels at the right time
Only use fear,stormbolt when they pop CDs


Yea I was doing that mistake 2 days ago, now I wait for their bait to end until mage use Combust.

pre 2k Rogue-Mages just use everything at start then die, 2000+ are playing more cleverly.

Most of the time they open with a sap on your healer, cheap shot you-into poly, and do a go on your healer
you can try to instantly press bladestorm when you see that sap
sometimes it works and you can peel easily
better teams will wait a bit and force a trinket during the opener tho

should be free rating with the high amount of versatility we have now

I wish I could give the versatility nerf changes a million dislikes.

If they think arena games are too lengthy they should just increase the rate dampening stacks up.

40% vers without C&S and I die in one kidney.

C&S is gonna be nerfed btw

Your healer panics too much then. If they stack mastery the damage isn’t the Mage directly, it’s his ignite. Very often more than 50% of his damage is only that. Dispel the target halfway through Combust, and Revival at the end. Boom, not dead to Ignite !

Currently the dmg reduction is half of your actual versa. The essence doubles that, making the damage reduction equal to your versa (instead of half). Since people have 60% flat and get to 80+ with C&S/Enchant/Lucid/Trait procs they have 80% during a stun (the 40% defensive benefit of conflict being doubled). After nerf they will have 60% (40% plus half of that!).

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You’re actually right. I read some of your neutral comments trying to reason but instead people bashed you :smiley: It’s hard to understand feedback if players rather try to deliver emotions over contents.

Personally, imo Blizzard gives WAY TOO MUCH power to classes. Almost every class has self-heals, some classes hyperscale (fire mage, destro locks, assa rogues, dhs), I still don’t get why there are spammable ccs since ever…

Corrupted Gladiator’s Spite can once again stack more quickly when multiple Corrupted Gladiator’s Spite trinkets are used against a target.

this fix should be completly removed

Yes I agree, all pve trinkets should be removed from competitive pvp.

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Most people do not visit these forums unless they have a major problem with something (myself included). I come here every now and then, but to be honest, I have given up on Blizzard giving a rats butt about my opinion (if they even read it).

Destro lock is the most broken thing I have ever seen (and fire mages aren’t exactly under-tuned either). I was expecting them to get nerfed - or for Blizzard to leave everything as it is until Shadowlands - because they haven’t really cared about PvP balance that much now have they?

It may be true that not many disagreed here on the forums, but I know for a fact that my friends and guildies do not even go here and they are pissed about the nerf.

Thank you!