Tuning Changes for June 9

but somehow fire mages stacking vers or destro lock stacking haste isnt game breaking? Majority have asked for a flat % nerf to ALL corruption - not just changes benefitting to some.

Where did I say that? I said what do you expect to happen when people abuse something like that, its going to get nerfed, and if people now flock to haste that will also get nerfed, then they flock to the next, and it gets nerfed and so on.

That’s why I think they should have changed them in a different way so we don’t have this pointless cycle.

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I have poked and prodded people a lot over their ideas recently, because there’s been no majority who’s favored any single solution.

Everyone on this forum seemed to agree that Versatility stacking was an issue.

But beyond that it seemed as if there were 50 different solutions to deal with it.

Just nerf Versatility.
Nerf all Corruption effects.
Delete all Corruption effects.
Cap Versatility stacking.
Cap all Corruption stacking.
Just nerf Warlocks and Mages.
Just nerf Chaos Bolt.
And so on.

There were no favorites. The only vague conclusion there might have been, was a collective desire that Blizzard should do one of the proposed ideas, because not doing anything was the worst outcome.

So Blizzard have nerfed Versatility, which is a solution some players offered and argued the merits of, and which very few other players criticized as being a bad solution.

If you all think it’s a bad solution now, where was the criticism toward that idea a week ago on this forum?!

Don’t rewrite history.
A week ago on this forum the majority was happy with any change to nerf Versatility stacking.

Gates open

i drop me flame golem
enemy stun for 2 sec
i set my enemy on fire 0.7 sec cast time
enemy is now in the oven and ready to bake
i root me enemy
i cast a green bolt
huh enemy only took 90k? maybe a bug
i coil enemy and cast 3 bolts within 2.5 seconds thank to my 80% fast casting corruption
enemy alive



Because these people don’t think past what will happen after vers is nerfed, many don’t considered that something else is GOING to take its place and now you haven’t solved anything you’ve just moved the problem somewhere else, I mentioned this to you in a different thread a while back.

I know. Again, a week ago we had a big thread on this, and I specifically asked if people thought the solution was good considering some of the side-effects, like players stacking Haste or Gushing Wounds instead, or some classes indirectly being buffed because they don’t rely so much on Versatility as other classes, and so on.

And the response was a mixture of herp derp and that Blizzard should just do something, because the current gameplay was literally the worst ever.

There weren’t many who were very critical of any of the ideas proposed by their fellow PvPers.

Blizzard picked one of those ideas, and now the criticism is flowing?!

So you reap what you sow.

That’s because the forum is 90% a rage fiesta of angry people who lost because of X and Y in PvP and 10% constructive posts

Well, all the more reason to have critical thinking in these kind of discussions. If there’s 50 ideas floating around in the community, then the collective would be better off if it tried to narrow it down to the 3 best ones, rather than sending 50 haphazard ideas off to Blizzard under the guise that anything is better than the current gameplay.
I mean, if people think there’s a better solution to the problem than just nerfing Versatility, then why didn’t people rally around a better solution a week ago?!

That’s because they don’t care about the Haste or other corruption problems yet, they can’t see past the Vers corruption problem. But here it is, people don’t change, they don’t think about things as a whole and considered what will happen when it is nerfed, they only look at it from “This effects me, get rid of it and the game will be so much better”. But then they are surprised when all of a sudden fixing that 1 thing now creates a new problem. I dunno maybe I’m being cynical but I’m just speaking from what I’ve observed. The majority of people don’t care about game balance, all they care about is if their class is the best or not, if its not they throw hate at whichever classes are better than theirs and demand nerfs. Even if their class is still good they’ll demand this, I see a lot of people doing this in these forums.

So next week verse stacking is getting nerfed in 3 weeks we will see haste get the same nerf in pvp and after that it will be mastery. So why not nerf all % stat right away. Also after that haste procs and mastery procs will get a nerf and after that vers procs why not nerf all of them right away I really do not understand. I still feel like % vers nerf is brought because of the terrible games we had yesterday.
Also when will you nerf vitality conduit it is just stupid and boring. Make it a 3 minute cooldown and just kill it. Also C&S will be used a lot now and even with the nerfed % vers, % vers will be even more broken than ever.
Bah this is my first serious season and it is soo bad why didn’t I play arena more previously …

biggest problem about this game is , everything is so so bad that at this point there is no way to balance things,you nerf one thing , people will realize another different broken aspect instantly.
The way they designed the essences and corruptions , it is impossible to balance anything anymore.
The nerf they did to versatile literally means nothing, lets say i have %60 versa , after nerf i will have roughly %49 versa,means i ll be doing %11 less damage.And considering my target has the same versa,he will take %5.5 more damage from me but i will be doing %11 less damage anyways.They are making random clueless nerfs without even knowing the source of the problem, which is the essence itself.
Game would be so much better without the essences and corruptions honestly.


The classes that need most the nerf - lock, mage, rogue, get buffed by this change.
Way to go Blizzard, you never fail to show that you and mainly your complete garbo of a game director - Ion are full failures.
How you can push those changes without nerfs to locks, mages and rogues? Complete failures and incompetent game designers.

How does my comment in any way cater to rogues? Conflict effects everyone.

That’s not true. In PVE it was not BIS for:

BM Hunters (Severe)
Arms Warriors (Expedient)
Fire Mages (Masterful)
All Warlock specs (Expedient)
Unholy DKs (Expedient)

All these specs would not have used Gushing Wounds even if it wasn’t nerfed. This just shows how strong these specs are that they would not use an “OP” corruption because they already have a better option.

To me stacking versa on my warrior is just for surviving mages, locks and rogues damage. Arenas now is just one big mess that i dont like. I enjoy running bgs and when doing that alone 90% of time versatiliy was the way to go. I like it when as arms warrior have change to survive better without pocket healer 24/7.

Which of the two groups do I belong to? :thinking:

What happened to destruction warlocks any1 know? its like they are playing patch 9.0 already
i actually started to enjoy facing demon hunters :slight_smile:

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I honestly don’t know, I don’t post on the forums that much, from what I’ve seen the 10%?

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Just saw this on wowhead
Conflict and Strife now increases the defensive benefit of your Versatility by 50% while stunned (was 100%).

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Does that mean we can see more than one Rogue in the AWC ! Only 50% damage reduction in Kidney instead of 80 now wow !