Turalyon Alliance Reconnections

Hey Eliot, long time no see.


Hey Superbeard & Alunearia

Is my mind playing tricks on me, or did you use to be part of the ancient order silverhand, I remember alot of us went over to elune ?

Kainwolfpld here people might not be able to remember me anymore so it’s okay if you don’t :slight_smile:

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Toulou <3 yes indeed in Docet Umbra as well!

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Hey! That actually rings a bell to me, though it´s been so many years, my memory of it is quite vague. I hope you are enjoying Classic? :slight_smile:

We settled down well on Pyrewood Village, and hope to see long lost friends return eventually :slight_smile:

Hey, it’s been a long time, hope you’re well.

My guild was rolling on Firemaw just before launch but the queue’s were just too much. I might go over eventually, it was Alliance side btw.

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Hey Elliot :smiley: hope all is good, rolled on pyrewood tho as a filthy ally again :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey all, nice to see some familiar names

Uthaine - Rexus Terra - Holy Priest

Playing Driitz - FuryProt Warrior in Classic on Mirage Raceway, hmu.

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How’s everyone getting along? (Vmagic here) - Guild ended up going Gandling due to server queues… And 2 weeks in Corfu kinda stunted my progresss but this is still as good as I remember it.

I fear it may take over my life again, which is bad news for the missus and the dog.

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Gravey - Dwarf Hunter
Guild - The Dudes of Destruction/Liberation and who can forget - Heavens elites (lol, I was only level 14, don’t hold it against me)

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Hey! I’m on Mirage Raceway with the rest of Resisted


Is resisted going to raid classic?

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I heard that they were, and were gathering a group on Facebook, but I have no links or info about server or anything, sadly. I hope you manage to track them down :slight_smile:

Maybe you can create a character on Mirage Raceway or Shazzrah and see if you can find any of them there?

We’re starting pretty soon. We have a good chunk of people at 60 now and well geared.

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Ok if you do have spot left, i got a lvl 50 warrior DPS atm but wil switch to tanking soon. Since thats the roll i had from endgame dungeons in vanilla till Bastion of Twilight.


Wazp - nightelf rogue

Guilds: Dutch Inc and AG praetorian guard

Good to see a few familiair names in this topic :grinning::+1:

Dutch Inc’s first Ragnaros kill was epic and I will never forget that moment :grin::grin:

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Resisted are still going strong on Mirage :slight_smile:

If anyones looking for a raiding guild and bored of their own now server transfers are active we’re looking for some dps :slight_smile:


Kaliban (Paladin) played in Rexus Terra and The Last Watch, decided to jump into Classic on Nethergarde Keep as a Paladin again :slight_smile:

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NE Druid
Nemesis among others which i cant even remember

Some of the old Nemesis/TLW Dudes still around

Niar/Rasta/Ellesime/Mint/Vipers etc

I quit pretty early when nemesis disbanded and came back sometimes for a short period of time got a 60 gnome mage called Zjwikkie on Nethergarde Keep now tho

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i remember u tho, Bruttone i remeber too he was the rank 14 pala right

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