Trannce - Undead Mage
Chaos of Anglachel.
Didnt do much in the way of guilds after everything went horribly sideways.
Pretty sure I knew Tomxavier back then.
Would be nice to meet up with some old guildies, hopefully put the bad times behind us and create another awesome guild.
So if your out there,
Phaerun. Fumblina. Vrigan. Xab, Bloodbag. Sifi. Killkenny. Sunyata, Maewa, Rasher and all the others who’s names I can’t remember.
Hope to hear from you.
Meeuh - Tauren Hunter
Kamikaze Lemmings, Nice Guyz,…
Good to see some familiar names that are still active.
Remember Goeres as High Warlord kicking butt outside of Orgrimmar and in BG’s ofc.
And some more names that ring a bell.
was pretty casual back then.
• Sporkeh Undead Rogue, Maxxis Troll Priest
• Big Meanies then Myth
No one in particular. Just interested in saying hello to old faces and players!
Arryllion, Undead Rogue
Pvc, Monster
Not looking for anyone specific. Fun to see names I recognize
All i want to know is, Will Niar return?!
Not anyone specific? I thought we were friends
Hiya looking for any norfolk and chance or end of an error heroes out there
Stormblade / Cookies - Nice Guyz i think it was…
Avenged in TBC days in guilds pvc and Ascension.
Nostalgia levels maxing out currently…
im very offended … in two ways… first you not looking for some real friends. second, you actually didnt think that i wouldn’t miss a second of wow classic.
come to gehennas
DKP in NG was a mess, nobody wanted to update
You gonna go farm Tyr’s Hand with Deli again?!
I’m sure Goeres will be pleased seeing someone thinking he got HW
grumpy and daggy was sooo lazy officers
where are they ? i missed em
Haha, oops warlord then i guess
Haha that damn Stoomwals and then Brakus after that. Grumpy as in grumpysnail? Ahh daggy was THE druid was he not?
Im not sure what server but i think i’ll name my character EdwardTheOdd, troll shaman of course. Say hi of you ever see me struddle along.
Woot Neony!!!
OO btw
Cheach, Tauren warrior
Used to play with NG during TBC but would love to be able to play with them old heads again=)
hehe, unfortunately Deli Says he will not play. Dont beleive him though
which server you are going to be in. i would really love to play with you guys again if you have an intention to found a guild again.
I remember you, we had been in kamikaze lemmings together. Would be good to add you in game.
I played as fend, undead mage and Hobnobs a Tauren warrior.
I’ve gone back to the game as Hobnobs but as an undead mage. Server being Mirage Raceway.
Oh yeah I remember you, you even lent me the last gold for me to be able to buy my mount!! Cool, I’m currently playing priest (Brutaxa) on razergore