In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Turalyon in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
- tankbug, tauren warrior
- Sons of Kalimdor, Nice Guyz
- Not anyone specific
I will probably play a warrior, not sure about the race yet.
- Jahmaan, Tauren Shaman
- The Burning Horde (early days)
Wasn’t much of a raider but I did quite a bit of PvP.
Maybe I’m looking for anyone who used to PvP or maybe even was in High Warlord Stiffmeizter’s premade?
I will return as a shaman although I’ll be switching to orc
Orclegon Orc Warrior & Soulfacter Troll Mage
N/A played with people in Origin alot as my brother was an Undead Priest Matum
Everyone and anyone who knew me!
Troll shaman
Used to be in PVC and nice guyz before moving to draenor
Good to see so many old-timers still playing wow. I remember everyone who posted so far 
Fraekyjoe\Neony - GM of Nice Guyz
I know Pukkel and Borhast are returning in classic. Maybe our paths will cross in classic? Who knows.
I’m going to play tauren warrior and dwarf paladin :>
- Pingo
- Troll Shaman
- Member of “Blood Axe”/“Myth”
Used to mostly raid but had a few PvP sesions aswell.
And alot more PvP on Rálok a level 39 warrior.
Planning on rolling an Orc Warrior on a PvE realm.
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Undead Warlock
Member of Focus/Nice Guyz, then Dotu and Ascension in later expansions.
Will be playing Troll Rogue, on a PvE realm.
Looking for the main person i used to play with Swobu was an orc rogue
also a warlock another orc i used to level with Fem
*Wurzten, Orc Rogue
*Nice Guyz
Used to wait for clothies to drink in BGs and pop ambush + backstab + thistle tea - repeat and /flex.
Was 12 y/o, used all my DKP on EVERY single weapon I could use (I think I tried to take the tanking mace from Razorgore from a warrior). Can also admit that I refused to respec to combat even if I had swords/maces since I didnt want to waste my gold (and save my pvp dagger spec). Sorry lads. Feels good to come clean.
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Doomeye - Orc - hunter
The Ganksters / PVC / Focus
Pretty much all who were in these guilds and all Turalyon crew.
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No wayy man! Great to see you my old friend!
I haven’t played properly in so long - but plan to go pretty hardcore in classic - would be great to meet/catch up!
Add me on D: Myzchief#7172
Hey Volrog, long time no see!
I won’t be able to go hardcore since i got a kid, but i’d love to play with more peeps from old school Turalyon!
I’ll add you when I get back!
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Murdox - Warrior - Orc
Was A part of Unatural Selection, many many good / frustrating memories from MC, Onyxia BWL and more!
was 2nd or 3rd realm to get Thunderfury sword, what a epic journy that was!
Will defenetly be testing out the classic, but do we have what it takes any more… 
Dondadondon - Orc Hunter
Nice Guyz
No one specific (well maybe Grimwolf and Gaelian)
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Mokhul -Undead Priest
Nice Guyz
Nice to see some old guildies!
EDIT: guess its Mirage raceway then.
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Morsun, sick resto shaman !
Can’t reamber what guild I was in 
Skectra, Undead Rogue (also played some of Hamaia’s acct towards end of vanilla) - in tbc onwards was Sashan
In vanilla - pvc, and then when it merged with AG Crimson Guard, Monster? (somehow that name resonates - and I found an old wiki - it was monster)
Anyone from back in those days really - would be good to get back in touch with some of the original pvc crowd that I lost touch with
Rolled on Mirage Raceway (as want to avoid the ‘unofficial’ Spanish realm of Pyrewood village).
Darool, Orc Warlock
Hoping to catch back on Halivon (warrior), or Kresh (warlock)