Turalyon The Golden King - The Champion of Zovaal

Sire Denathrius created the Nathrezim in order to infiltrate the other Cosmic Forces

The Light discovered this and retaliated against Revendreth by scorching the realm… but then stopped?

According to Il’gynoth:
The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all. I alone can save you from what is to come.

This is proved because of Lothraxion… It is showed that even after leading the forces of The Burning Legion, they was still! Loyal to Denathrius… so we can assume that Lothraxion is still aligned with Denathrius and given the Light retaliated against Revendreth for infiltrating, The Light still allows Lothraxion to exist among the highest of ranks?? It knows…

Another claim from Il’gynoth
Before the last shadow falls, the Father of Sleep shall savor his feast. The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness

Turalyon… The Golden one… Claims the Vacant Throne of Stormwind

Turalyon… now The Golden King?

Who has the “Soul” of the Golden King in his vault? Zovaal does…

Now people will assume the Golden King soul is Anduin but this is in-correct. Anduin isn’t serving out of being broken or soulless but instead is being controlled through domination runes engraved upon his armour. He was never served by the Mourneblade but simply wields it…

Arthas wielded the mournblade but was able to resist the corruptive nature of it. That is why Zovaal uses domination magic to control Anduin…

Now who gave Frostmourne to the Burning Legion and thus created the Lich king? The Nathrezim…

Who is the number one advisor of Turalyon? Lothraxion the Nathrezim…

Also why is Zovaal so hell bent on using Light wielder as his champions? Arthas? Paladin… Bolvar? Paladin… Anduin? Priest… Turalyon? Paladin!

How did the Prime Naaru attempt to convert Illidan to his glorious purchase? Through using the Light to change his runes engraved upon his body and dominate his free will… Who else dominates? ZOVAAL!

Who served the Prime naaru and was enraged by it’s death? Turalyon…

Turalyon and the Light will bring Darkness to Azeroth and we are NOT PREPARED!

“Vol´jin cant be the next Warchief, that would be the most obvious choice everyone saw coming a mile away.”

“Sylvanas cant be behind the burning of Teldrassil, that would be the most obvious answer.”

Everyone and their mother is assuming that Turalyon might get hit with the villain stick in a “What if Light bad?” expansion scenario. Because its the most obvious answer and Blizzard always goes with the most obvious answer. A turn of events that we truly wouldnt be prepared for would need both Turalyon and Yrel being the good guys all along, standing on our side against the forces of “radicalism bad, ok?”


Oh they could do both. It starts with them being the baddies and than having a redemption arc. Where they see error of their ways and become good guys once more.

probably will happen, though I think Turalyon will be obducted, and the dreadlord takes his place as Turalyon, and I feel they will get Yrel involved also, buy opening a portal to Draenor relising her up on Azeroth, most likely as an diversion and nothing else.

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This could absolutely happen! We have already seen some forshadowing on how the light could break bad in the Mag’Har Orc recruiting story line wich takes place in the future of Draenor WOD world. Yrel, a Naaru (don’t remember the Naaru’s name) and the rest of the LF Draenei had turned into fanatic zealots, enforcing the light and their belives upon the Mag’Har. “Join us or die”. I loved it.

Scary thing that this could happen yet again. Because the secret spice behind creating a Fantasy story, definitive of a detachment from real life politics and values is…

Real life politics and values!

We cracked it, Everybody!

Interesting theory, but I still think we just get a “Warlords of Draenor 2.0” or better said “High-Exarchs of Draenor” because I think Yrel will be probably the one invading. But they could use Turalyon to open again a gate like Medivh did back then…

Counterpoint to all this is, that in the cutscene where Xe’ra wanted to convert Illidan, you could see the light “control” of Xe’ra fade from Turalyons Eyes.

It’s kind of to late for that, because Yrel is fully on the “Embrace the Light or die”-train by now, as seen in the Mag’Har recruitment. And Turalyon is so convinced of his own righteousness that he used light to bind a Civilien so that his wife could void-torture her mind…
Not the best foundation for a “radicalism bad”-Storyline for both.

other scenario could be that, we will get anduin back, but he is more darker now, and Turalyon gets scared, and opens the portal to let yrel in to save Anduin, though this backfires, and she goes on a rampage to make all holy instead.

Hmm interesting, but maybe something simpler would be better. After seeing Anduin broken or corrupted by the time he spent under Jailer’s control Turalyon considers him unfit to lead Alliance and dont want to give up his position of power. We end up with political struggle within Alliance for a change.
It could than lead to him, after his defeat seems at hand, to summon Yrel and her fanatics starting next expansion.

Just a minor addition since the mag’har quest line was mentioned a few times. When I did it I saw a few things that you guys might want to consider when discussing the event:

  1. I have no idea why, but during the battle between the Light forces and mag’har periodically the aberrations called Blood Globule would spawn. Aberrations are most commonly used for creatures related to Old Gods, drust, that kind of stuff.
  2. The NPCs that are keeping the portal from Orgrimmar to alt-Draenor are called Mag’har Darkcaster Try to guess what kind of magic they use.
  3. When you do the quest line, there is a specific framing of the events. To quote them, you get:

Vision of Time
Ji Firepaw: You wish to hear how the Mag'har orcs joined the Horde? It may be one of the strangest ways we gained an ally!

It all began with a plan from Eitrigg. He had a fragment of the Vision of Time that Garrosh Hellscream used to travel to Draenor.

Chief Telemancer Oculeth believed there would be a way to go back to Draenor and get the Mag’har orcs to join the Horde.

This tale begins with a visit to Oculeth in Zuldazar…

And the final quest’s objective is:

The Uncorrupted
Return to Ji Firepaw in Orgrimmar to hear the end of this tale.

So, you know, there might be some extra stuff to consider.
Or not, depends on who will write that story.

gl hf

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