Does anybody know or can confirm if this event has to be done completely on one character or can you spread the weeks across multiple characters
Works on multiple
Yea getting mixed messages about this. Some say you can alternate the weeks over as many toons and some are saying it has to be the same characters for 5 weeks. You skip one week on one it no longer counts.
Also found a youtube vid that said the same. You miss one week one toon it’s over. I.o.w its not account wide. So levelling those alts has not been a waste but has not counted towards it.
First two were on a hunter then last two were on rogue. Last week will prob be priest
Seems to be account wide as my first week was on an alt i leveled up and the following 3 weeks have been on my main.
My achievement shows as 4/5 which would be correct in that case, so it doesn’t seem to matter which character you use just as long as you do it on at least one each week.
Mind sharing where you see that ?
Edit: Nevermind I had not realized it was an achievement. Yea mine says 4/5 for Master of the Turbulent Tideway’s. Thanks for the assist appreciate it.
No worries glad you figured it out
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