Relevant part once BfA hit in the video.
Im sorry i dont see the problem. Before the bonus the Horde had a huge numerical advantage which created massive inbalance. Considering World PVP is all about who has the most players with WM on this created an awful experience for Alliance because they were just constantly outnumbered.
Since the bonus however the numbers have levelled out. So it is clearly working. If its working and doing what it was meant to why get rid of it?
I dont think Blizzard ever was. Players want this mythic fair £PvP world but in reality it never existed. The extra bonus for the underdog was a result of player’s complaining that it was ‘Horde mode’.
My solution: leave it as it is; if it dies it dies. Players’ choice.
I don’t mean the ally free loot quest, although yh thats stupid. I mean the bonus gold and ap.
Sure, remove it, and the Warmode will be Horde only pretty much. PvP is way more unbalanced in the past so, if you want a dead warmode that is how to get it.
If they turn it off then World PvP completely dies.
Warmode participation should be decided by the players, not blizzard. Also the propaganda so far was that the bonus is there to compensate for the time you waste in pvp, not as an incentive to bait people who aren’t interested in pvp, which is what you’re alluding to.
Back in the pvp server days, the exact same thing happened.
Warmode doesn’t mean you have to do open world pvp, it means you can do open world pvp. Therefore, that’s not a problem at all.
And for someone who wants to do open pvp this is even better, because you’ll always find new victims to kill.
Simple solution.
- Don’t want wpvp and/or 10% bonus? Don’t turn it on.
- Want wpvp and/or 10% bonus? Turn it on.
People like to make thing complicated, but the WM toggle is one of the simpler parts of the game.
When you’re in war mode it’s suppose to be a battle. It doesn’t feel like it when people are only there for their bonus and have no interested in the pvp.
My point is turning on war mode isn’t always turning on pvp, it honestly feels like people are surprised when you attack them. Maybe they don’t expect the horde mage to take on the ally dk, warlock and shammy waiting at the wq but goddam it I hate them allys!
Even if no bonus, opponent quality would still be highly variable. Wouldn’t make any difference. Pure pveers fill the role of cannon fodder. PvP controls their population. Kill them all.
The pve element creates a variety of motivations to be in world. PvE objectives such as wq are pve+pvp objectives in wm. There can be battles, big, medium, small, 1v1. A rich pvp environment.
I don’t like carrot on the stick tactic and I dont think its necessary here because lot of people choose to WPVP for the sake of it, including me. I dont think we should be encouraged to do it, especially not by bonuses.
First of all, making something profitable is bound to corrupt it in some way, second of all many people think this bonus is something mandatory and then brag when they got ganked after turning WM on. We dont want any bad material, we dont want to force people in, I dont think it is a good idea.
I want to play among players who enjoy it, undertstand it and are capable of doing it.
I hate that my character (main is priest/monk) is less fun to play, outside of WM… So when I get the possibility to have my “pvp”-talents back outside pvp, i will not join wpvp in BFA again, unless they fix this unbalance-fudge… There is 0 fun in being outnumbered 5:1 in all areas of new zones, where there are plenty of alliance and horde playing, just placed differently. Im so endlessly tired of it.
And I don’t care about the 10-20% extra gold/AP etc… I care that im missing out on 3 talents and a trinket that makes PvE more fun. And a lot of those talents were taken from us in legion, and put on to a system they in my eyes failed on… Fully, and utterly.
10% is such a major difference how could they do such a thing. gate it behind hardcore world pvp only the pvp gods can be efficent. lets gate pvp abit more and force the ppl that only want to pvp to raid and do m+ to be remotly relevant in pvp that will show them!
lets not forget about my needs and mine alone as im a millienial i demand everyones attention at all times
Turn off the bonus and remove CRZ/sharding is the only real solution to fix wpvp imho
This vid made my day:joy:
Always drawbacks.
Bonus has a purpose, compensate for time loss due to wpvp.
Remove bonus, slower pve.
We can assume majority of wm on are not in wm for pure 100% wpvp reasons, they are pveing.
Drop the bonus and a large % may wm off while pveing.
That could make wm unviable.
Potentially a bad ‘fix’.
Sharding works to a degree, you’d need to replace or improve, not just remove it. You need a system that maintains zone pop.
Imo wpvp doesn’t need fixed, but improvements always welcome.
What I think is that story progression of BFA affected most of people mind and that is why there is so big drop on ally side… On very start of expansion i was having for first time so many reasons to play and push myself in pvp due to story, but as it degenerate to another Grommash and SoO ppl leave WM see no reason to pushing it coz after all what is point in it whn we gonna save Horde from Horde again, and be buddy buddy in face of great enemy.
What was i expecting from BFA and most of community i belive is ALL OUT SAVAGE WAR, where we actually have loses and gains on each side like never before, and have that FEELING of being part off ally/horde where u want to do PvP coz it has impact on game. After all like every exp this and before it PvP will always stay aside never live it full potential, and we will always have mythic raids, instances etc which are made for Method and guilds alike, which are minority of community but well advertised.
Point is Blizz had after legion chance like never before to do something remarkable with wow and show it to world, why it was and it will be no.1 of mmo world, but sadly it took another course served players start and finish of same story repetedly told again and again… As mighty warchief once said: Times change! - Blizz way of doing games should change to, and be with accordance with time.
I personaly gave up on doing raids (after mastering it an polishing in legion), same goes for pvp afer first patch. Doing old content, wq, collecting mounts/pets/toys/rep is where i find my joy and solace after work and every day hardship, but more then above anything else in this game i really would like to enjoy current content of game which is not sadly case…
This is not just me or my opinion it is from many ppl i talked to and my friends who either quit until new expac or still playing but more of nostalgia then real reason…
In current patch, prob just mixed factioners wanting flying on their Horde chars.
At start of bfa… it was a wm issue with excess horde in shards. Issue got fixed, but % of Alliance had already wm’d off, and a % of extra Horde had wm’d on, leading to greater and worsening faction balance effect due to player perceptions. Even though original issue was fixed.
So the majority of the people want to serve Sylvanas!?