Turn ON profession equipment visibility buff

Does anyone know if there is a command that I can use in a macro to turn on profession equipment visibility for my jewelcrafter? (yes, I know that I’m weird and that most people want to turn it off, lol)

I tried this:

/cast An Eye For Shine

but no luck. Same for using the buff ID, 394015, instead of the buff name; no go.

I feel like I’m vaguely on the right track because the following does work to get rid of the buff:

/cancelaura An Eye For Shine

Im sure that is not possible. You can cancel the buff when its on you but you cant cast the buff yourself.

There is an NPC where your decide per character if profession equipment is visible or not.

That an NPC is required for that could indicate that a player has no control over it, which means macros and addons have no control either.

The NPC is located in dornogal where you can create crafting orders. Its a female tauren outside the building to the left of the entrance.

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Thanks for the reply.

I was aware of Mahra Treebender and, on the character in question, I currently have my profession eqipment toggled to stay visible. I actually want to go a step further and be able to summon up the crafting appearance at will.

I realise that this may not be possible but there are some clever, knowledgable people out there who may have worked out a way to do it, hence my post here.

Another reason that I’ve bothered to make a post is because when I was first messing around with the macro I swear it worked once and so have been trying to recreate whatever I did. I may of course be mistaken, probably am, but it’s worth asking.

Good luck, post if you make it work, would be interesting to see.

Im not sure if i am right so maybe there is a way!

Edit: Cant test it but weird idea. I think the character is dressed in profession gear when you equip it. So maybe you could write a macro to unequip and equip the profession gear. If unequip does not work maybe you could have two items for each slot and just chain the equip command so that pressing it twice will end up in the gear you started with plus the visuals on your character.

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Thank you for the good luck wishes :grinning:

I will check out the crazy idea, you never know!

I got it to work.

I have my profession gear visible when crafting/gathering. I have three profession gear items equiped which i use.

Take this macro.

/equip Mining Pick
/equip Proficient Pickaxe

Tapping this macro twice will swap my actual pickaxe with a white item and back to my actual pickaxe. Swapping this one slot is enough to trigger the profession gear visuals.

So just buy a second item for one of the three slots and swap back and fourth with this macro to trigger the visuals whenever you want.

Hope that helps, happy new year. :slight_smile:

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Nice! Thanks a lot for going into this.

It does indeed work and the final macro looks like:

/equip Jeweler’s Toolset
/equip Gemcutter’s Apron
/equipset XXXX

Where XXXX is a separate gear-set that I have just for crafting (yes, I know, I know; weirdo) which looks truly excellent when combined with the Eye for Shine headpiece, apron and gem tool.

My jewelcrafter’s 2025 is going to be very stylish indeed thanks to you.

Happy New Year!

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