Turning off ambience with ID

Does anyone know the ID sounds for Flight Style: Skyriding?
There is this annoying howling sound when I fly.

If a particular sound in-game is really annoying you, there is a way to do this but it is a rather labour-intensive process:

  • Get two addons: MuteSoundFile and Leatrix Sounds.
  • Use Leatrix Sounds (and sometimes Wowhead sounds) to track down the numerical ID of the offending sound files.
  • Use MuteSoundFile to mute those particular sound files.
  • Enjoy peace and quiet after your labours.

Good luck!

Sadly, I don’t know the exact sound ID for your wind howling sound (which, by the way, will be in the ‘Effects’ category rather than the ‘Ambience’ category should you decide to nuke it via Options > System > Audio settings).

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