i want to know from the ppl who got the tusk , how many kills did it take (mythic,heroic +bonuss roll), this is not a thread for qq ing about the low drop rate, just want to do some math to get an avreage , i am 850 kill right now.
gl to you to , try to use a friend to lock the raid at garosh and exted the raid lock weekly only works on HC so keep theat in mind.
You can use them as many times as you want, gl on the shoulders
my god you have 290 m kills theat means you ar farming him from mop ?
Me, about 60-70 tries. Nothing so far.
My bf who went there to get some transmog for the first time, got the tusks on the first try.
When I first started I tried to get it from Coin rolls so just kept killing him in same reset I did like 200 kills and nothing. Then they added Legacy Loot so you would get 5-6 items from one kill. So I just done it on each alt once each week on heroic and they dropped after ~140 kills for me. So I wouldn’t try to farm it from Bonus Rolls just kill him weekly. Keep Save on one alt so other alts can enter and be at the last boss.
So they’re still available? Since wowhead lists them as being no longer available but I guess that’s an error then.
they drop , in wowhead the item you see removed is the old item drop from garosh before the item squish
i got them around 700+ kills on mythic, 6 runs every week with 3 alts
I only do m runs on my main and on alts the heroic ones, is to much time waste to run m on all chars
First time on my Hunter and they went to vendor heaven
I never kept track, I did get them once while they were current content but there was no transmog system then and I d/e-ed them to make space. My void and bank were full.
I got them again recently, well a friend got them and gave them to me. He’s just not fussed about getting them himself. It’s the second pair he’s given away.
i am amazed by the first time or second or 100 time coment because im at 970 times+ on a char :))
RNG is a cruel mistress
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