Twilight Highlands and BFA


I made a ticket regarding this yesterday, but wondered if anyone on here had any suggestions.

I wanted to go back and start Twilight Highlands, however the quest that starts off the chain - Warchief’s Command: Twilight Highlands! - can’t be handed in since Saurfang is now phased out of Orgrimmar.

I was wondering if there is any way of bypassing this. I have access to the portal, but you need to do that quest chain to reach friendly with the Dragonmaw Clan and unlock the quests there.

Thank you in advance

Did you try using the hero’s board? You know that wooden board that gives zone quests? Can just take quest after quest until you get the one you want.

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I have the quest for Twilight Highlands, I just can’t hand it in because it’s supposed to be handed into Saurfang.

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Could try relogging, if it doesn’t work, then yeah it’s a bug. Could try ticket though I doubt it’ll work, I’m trying to get an ulduar drop for a year now, and it doesn’t drop since it’s broken, no fixes as of yet, so your issue might take a while too. Best you can do is submit a bug report.

Did you check on azshara at that Rocketway station if you can do anything there? If i recall right you did not go straight trough the portal to Twilight Highlands but it started by travelling there with zeppy from Azshara first. So might be worth checking that station closest to Orgrimmar if you can continue your quest there.

I did say I’ve already submitted a ticket and I know why it’s happening, I was just wondering if anyone had found a way around having to use that initial quest.
It’s just because Saurfang and his recent story has removed him from Orgrimmar, but they haven’t changed the hand in.

Thanks, Radium. I’ll see if I can bypass the initial quest by going there

Abandon your other quests you may have that involve Orgrimmar. Then login with another character. Logout and back in with the character that has the quest.
This worked for me when I encountered the problem

Hi there. Had this myself the other day. I know its some time from your original posting, but this may come handy to someone else… Go to Eitrigg by the door, he has the continuation of the initial quest line. It breaks like this a few times, and either Eitrigg or Sauronok the Mystic tends to have the continuation, it’s just not very clear any more, since they don’t tell you who you need to go to to pick up the next bit.


A GM replied to me and said that the war board quest wasn’t supposed to available anymore, so they had to log into my account and bypass it.

Additionally, later down the quest line you have to return to Saurfang again. We have to complete the A Way Out quest to phase him back in. It’s supposedly the only way to progress into the Twilight Highlands completely.

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