In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Twilight’s Hammer in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Does anyone remember the most infamous and hated player of all times?
- Ween. (Gnome mage).
- Guildless.
- I still hate you all equally, so.
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Naynay! You gonna be playing?
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Hey! You were my fellow one boob from Shattrath right? 
Im not sure, I wont have as much time and I dont know how fun it will be to run around in green gear of the monkey. You?
Human warlocks named: Chaine & Funnyspider
Guilds: Lamer Crew, Purple Warriors, Svea (probably some earlier ones I cant remember)
…Also a few alts, Deify in Hitmen For Hire
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Opelsafari (ugly human paladin)
Mainly pvped, arranged an arena tournament and started a bounty hunter/assasin team.
Played in TSH during AQ and Naxx times
I do hope Elakjaevel will play and a shaman i can’t remember the name of (pvped alot) from horde side
Vaguely remember some people like Tyken and Murralor (druid class leader from TSH - sorry for acting like a tard at that time lol - i was only 16 y/o), Tandris (Irl friend) from Loot ftw, as well as some other Croats from LFTW, like Djuro (warlock).
- Zlidruid , night elf druid
- Guild: The silver horde, briefly Loot ftw during naxx
My first realm. Where i teamed up with horde on quests while leveling up & in duskwood where i got killed for the first time by a horde rogue lvl?? & lvled 50-60 by killing ogres in burning steppes. Also where i learned what a buff/debuff was, irl friend wouldn’t stop laughing at me for that one…
Got invited to LamerCrew shortly after hitting 60.
We had disagreements at the end of vanilla and i quit but i had a great time before that. I remember asking Loot FTW if they needed a warrior after that, probably a good thing i was denied with my current skills.
I wonder how it went for Bionix(male nelf), did he reach his goal in PvP ranking? He was so commited to keep up with his friends but i never found out how it went.
What guild were you in again?!
Nightfighter, Night Elf hunter (Good riddance to that name)
Tumbleweed, Immortal and Ordo Draconi
Tumbleweed & Co, Gerplex, Goodwill and a bunch more I don’t recall the name of
I should really dig up some old screenshots and skim through the names.
PS: Hi, Nay!
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TDR horde side
My 29 twink was Gangly
Ashihara, night elf warior, yellow bananaman suit
Guilds: Untamed, than Covenant than I am too old and fked up to remember the name of the last nice guild where I played till the end.
Friends and players I rememeber: Bhax, Omfri, Osma, Paparizu, Dunedain, Bazalt, Anelia, Niralda, Grecio, Santagr, Fery or Ferry and a lot more I can t find their name in my head right now.
ps: Thindra, are you around? 
Hi! Guess this works! If you wanna add me it’s Yames#2701.
PS: Daddy Gerplex and Goodwill used to hang out with Rosemary. I remember Daddy G had a very funny website, since lost.
Szopotgomboc, gnome warlock
I spent most of the time in The Fallen Banner, and I also pvped a lot.
So many familiar names mentioned already it’s scary.
Aleks, human warrior (main)
Zeron, nelf hunter
played in supreme agony realm then immortal.
Btag: Alekxi#2221 if any old friends reads this and want to catch up
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