Twisted was a long-standing Romanian guild that went international at the end of Legion with the purpose of achieving greater things as a community.
Our goal was, is and will always be getting the Cutting Edge in every tier within a reasonable amount of time so that all of our raiders can get the loot/achieves/mounts they need.
Recruitment now open to all for re-clears and to prepare for next patch.
Our raid days are (server time):
Wednesday: 19.30-23.00
Thursday: 19.30-23.00
Monday: 19.30-23.00
We are always looking for that special someone in every role or class to help us take our performance as a team to the next level so do apply and take your chances regardless of our current recruitment status! You will find that we can be both open and flexible when it comes to improving our team.
Contact (to apply or for more info):
Pisulino or Bnet popalexandru#2628
Daarkk or Bnet Thund3r#2378