Hey! Miauw! Ola! I could go on. Thank you for opening this thread and for reading this recruitment post I’ll try to not make it too standard/cliche, but no promises!
We’re Kittens Incorporated! Just to get the elephant out of the room…yes, we like kittens, but no, we’re not a cat cult. HR told me to specifically mention that! Now that that is out of the way…
This guild was founded about 2.5 years ago. My husband and I (and 3 friends who were in the same guild) were not happy in our previous guild, because it was a toxic situation and even though we were officers we had nothing to say really. We play this game because we want to have fun, so we decided it was time to move on to greener pastures and to make our own guild where we would actually have something to say. It was the ideal time to also switch factions (used to be alliance - yes, I know, we’re filthy kittens - we’re still taking showers), especially because of…well, vulpera’s you know?
Anyway: It was our hope to make it a casual social guild where people could actually get to know others in the guild. 2,5 years later and I can safely say that we succeeded. No guild is without hiccups, but in the end we made it work. Most of our members are very social, we have an active discord and raids and M+ parties are usually a lot of fun. We also have guild celebration events spread throughout the year. Games, fun on discord, nice rewards, and so on. Next one is early december, so if you join before then you get to party like it is 1999 with a bunch of awesome kittens - uhh players.
What we can offer:
Raids (we raid 2 times a week - Thursdays and Saturdays 20.30 - 22.00 server time). We usually clear normal quite quickly, but heroic takes a few months. In the end we often get curve though. Currently we’re at the last boss of heroic.
M+ (on most nights there is at least one group doing keys and there’s a lot of rotating in groups, so we try to get everyone in - the first few weeks of a season it’s often possible to run like 2/3 M+ groups at the same time. Most of us are doing keys in the range of 6-10 on our mains.
A safe environment, no toxicity or elitism allowed. No political business. We do like joking around though!
Active discord. An awesome community where it sometimes feels like an online family. Don’t expect a guild of like 40 active members. These days…two months after the expansion we have around 10 people online every evening - more during raids. May not be much, but at least they’re all players who love to talk and play with one another. Everyone is helpful and respectful.
That brings me to why we’re recruiting: we’ve struggled a bit to find enough people for consistent progression raids the last week or so, so we’re trying to find 3/4 new people who would fit in and who would be available to raid with us on a consistent basis.
What are we looking for?
- Friendly and social, no toxicity or elitism
- Able to listen on discord
- Experience with Heroic raiding and with your class
- Able to pull your own weight during raids. We’re a casual social guild, but when we try to progress on heroic it becomes more important for people to do proper damage/healing so we don’t get stuck for too long.
- Available on Thursdays and Saturdays, between 20.30 and 22.00 server time. You don’t have to be there every raid of course, but try to be there at least once a week if possible.
- Mainly looking for dps, but 1 more healer would also work!
If you’re interested please add one of us on battle-net for a little chat we’d be more than happy to answer questions.
Alwayshappy #2978
Gossef #2339