In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Twisting Nether in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Mobywan, Human Paladin
Rerolling warrior though.
Stgeorge undead rogue. Rolling alliance priest or Druid
Crazytomato, Gnome, Mage
I was in both Iratus lepus and Restless Defenders
Its been so long that i dont remember all the names now but if i see a name i will remember it.
My battletag is Aleksrh#2210
Gingerminger - dwarf warrior (Iratus Lepus, Ravenwood, Nightwatchers)
Xeriph - dwarf priest (Nightwatchers)
Undecided what to play.
See you soon!
Hello guys,
for all who you remember we will be recreating Crucial with Eruena, Autch and all the others, please contact me if you are interested. Shandel & Illindias here
Yunnie, Night elf priest
Will be playing the same.
Looking for people in Avarice, not sure they existed in vanilla but played there during tbc and thats where i have most memories.
I was in Avarice from TBC to MOP
Avarice core members left during start of Cata and later the whole guild went to antother realm.
The original guild leaders stopped playing during Cata
I still have some contact with a few members
Daaaaaamn, i remember you!
Okay so thats what happend. I took a break during wotlk and lost my account someway.
Which members do you still have contact with?
I’m in contact with: Schinto, Mcmenamin, Chibbi, Funkykitty, Ladydark, Trelas
Not playing anymore: Sindrave, Kippo, Quhiz
Darn we had some good time 
Thats soooo cool!
I remember most of those guys, a shame i lost contact with everyone, i still have adam on steam even thou i havent talked to him, just sent him an offline message.
Ohhhh yes we did, the best of times. Went to the website in hope to see my name next to some progress kills back then but the “history” tab just doesnt work. Are you guys playin classic?
Akon, Paladin, Restless Defenders.
I was a 14 year old kid at the time that wasn’t allowed to speak with the dangerous internet men. Anyone who played in RD back then thank you for some of the best years.
I’m guild leading a really strong group of mates this time round, looking forward to doing it all again.
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Athara, Gnome mage
Can’t even remember the name of my guild from back then. Hoping to find a night elf hunter called Astonish.
@Moonballs I remember you and Restless Defenders from back in the day. You guys helped me out a lot back then, even though you probably don’t remember me ^^
Guess whos back!?, Frest signing in!!
Lvl 60 human warrior