Twisting Nether (PvP) Horde Reconnections

I also remember Bubben & Madlax, think I played with them at sometime

Evil Eye (guild on bloodsclap that you guys transfered to) will be going for Shazzrah. Some old and new, huns and all. I just browse this forum and I remember Remedy, Risen and Beyond Redemption. Elysium of Eternity and Nightwatchers were probably some of you guys as well

Too much nostalgia! I will probably play ud priest again or roll alliance, because of mobywan and stgeorge :smiley:

Split - Tauren hunter

@Meddie: which realm are you guys gathering on?

going alliance on shazz and horde on golemagg

Saw, I remember you. We were in the same guild (TLB).
Elmako (taured druid) & Skilledbill (Tauren war) here.
Hope we meet again :slight_smile:

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Terrordar - Undead Rogue

Played in Bleed You Dry and TLB in Vanilla.

Nice to see Mako and Saw here, hope to see some more familiar names!

I played as an undead priest named Legato. Raided with a guild called Herlequins, was relatively active at PVP (r10).
Most memorable names, mostly from PVP: Pj, Kiiv, Arijan, Padelina, Donosti, Stgeorge and, of course, Mobywan

Just Warlord, but good times Ocelot. Hope we can play some on Classic, good times ahead.

Teshkal, always more on the PvP side of things if i remember correctly. Been too long, hope we can play some again.

Medusar, you and me together must be over 100 years old by now, how time flies by. And me charging Ragnaros while buffing is all filthy lies, you gonna hear from my lawyers for that…


ps: golemagg it is then

Hey Cielago. name will be medusar on golemagg. will look out for you there. Going priest again for the nostalgia. troll priest pink hair…

Hey yeah i did alot of pvp until i hit rank 14, then i mostly went treehugger pve mode in Beyond Redemption. Sadly the guild i found that fits my schedule these days will roll on shazzrah. maybe we’ll still run across each other eventually.

Hello chaps!

Hello Ramon, good to “see” you again.
Btw: Golemagg is completely overcrowded, like an 18000 queue with waiting time a couple of hours, and its not even prime time. will probably take weeks/months for that queue to smooth out, but lets see…

Hello there old friends

Playing Horde Warlock at Golemagg,character name: Demonaz

tauren shaman

Perdition guild :slight_smile:

It’s great to see your name Cielago, Meddie too! I think I’ll just make chars on random servers and see where I end up staying

ended up on flamelash. gave up on the shazz queues.

I have been playing Alliance on Mograine a bit so far. I think i’m giving up on classic in general though, I’ve lost my place in the queue 3 times today, been queueing for about 4 hours total now. They said they fixed losing your spot in the queue but only if you log in again within 5 minutes, so when the queue has 1.5k people in and i afk for 6 minutes, I then have to queue again for 3 hours. It seems like blizzard just assume that players queueing will sit there staring at the queue screen for hours.

My opinion: classic is simply worse than vanilla.

well, i ended up on noggenfogger, and i have only praise for the server. people are generally nice, mostly english speaking and the queues are perfect. during weekdays prime time, you have to wait around 15 min to get in, other than that its mostly instant. the only time when queues are abysmal is on weekends prime time, over 1h or worse.
its a shame the queue boss monster is os overtuned atm, but there are realms that are very enjoyable out there, but the private server mindset “if its not full, its dead already” seems to have transitioned into classic as well.