Twisting Nether (PvP) Horde Reconnections

They started free migrations off of Mograine shortly after I posted, it’s much closer to as you describe now. I was tempted to move but i have friends here that want to stay. Still planning to float between servers

Used to play orc warlock named Ratty in Heartless

hey Ratty, good to see you, come to Noggenfogger server if you havent decided yet, we need more competent Warlocks here !


Used to play as a Tauren hunter named sunii. I was featured on one of your vids too :slight_smile:

My only guild was Remedy.

are you playing on 10 storms ? :smiley:

Still playing strong – Nexious warlock classleader of Beyond Redemption :smiley:

I also came from bloodscalp to this realm, i remember mobywan very well he was a good friend, and i know you cielago :slight_smile: i was in your guild but i cant remember the name, was heartless or remedy??? you was main tank and i was also a tank mysc the female tauren warrior :slight_smile: and i remember medusar also, fem troll priest, such a long time ago

play on lone wolf horde sod realm now, having big break from retail