Twisting Nether/Draenor/Kazzak

Seems like I can’t progress much more on Burning Legion so recently I thought of making an ALT on Twisting Nether/Draenor/Kazzak, ofc on Horde side. Just can’t decide which server to choose. Would someone recommend any of this realms?


Wasn’t really sure how to answer this as pretty much feel they’re all quite similar - Draenor’s clearly very heavy realm pop, but TN and Kazzak both have lots of guilds of all persuasions be it raiding for CE or something less ambitious to suit your own style and preference.

I personally don’t think it really matters much anymore which server you are on since cross-realm keeps playing with others so open, it’d only bother me if the server realm was low pop or limited.

Good luck with making your choice, certainly all the servers you list are equally full of unpleasant people and nice ones I’m sure - all just a matter of perspective.

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