thats why thinking something is prestigious in this game is futil and naive,because noone will give you credit for something that can be bought with currency.
when i see someone on a glad mount the first thing i think is,they bough a boost with daddy credit card.
not,hey this guy is awesome and play a lot i bet he would teach me something!
do i think its fair for those who already got it to give it for free? not rly
its old model and idc would honestly prefer something never
but doesnt change the fact they have full right to do it and crying about it is kinda pathethic
my data they allready have with irs declarations,facebook,internet contract ,heck even when i fart they get my data,clicking on twitch and leave it behind muted for me its free.
im not paying nothing its free.
a free mount ugly old,free mount. thats only what is.
that MANY people got for free in past get free now.
maybe not you,but apparently many people are so entitled they say the mount can only be theirs because they got it before or bought it for absurd ammount of gold/money.
Nothing Amazon already has. And i still wait for the day absolute anyone of them (and not just amazon) manages to advertise me something i actually want. And the more you advertise something to me the less im inclined to actually buy it.