Twith Drops - Free Feldrake

honestly i don’t even see this as a big deal now if they gave away their old blizzcon loot as twitch drops that would be a big deal but some old crap from a decade or so ago pft nah

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There is no prestige in video games. If you told this to a hot normal girl outside your home she would not even respond and instead text her friends an hour later what a loser she met earlier. Get a grip dude.
You are literally crying because a mount you never ever used is being given to everyone.
Do you think Blizzard did not predict the whining from people like you?
THEY KNEW and they still did it. Because they WANT you to leave their game. Blizzard is SICK AND TIRED of boomer players who only play to feel special about pixels. They want YOUNG gamers who play for fun and spend money for fun, not WAHH WAHH I CANT TELL EVERYONE I MEET I GOT A TCG MOUNT WORTH 10K WAHHH

I legit feel sorry for people like you.


They own the TCG art and can do what ever they like with it! And yes their goal is to make money, that’s how a company work (business 101)!

I like that they give ordinary players a chance to get TCG and not only goblins or those with huge amount of dough on the VISA!

Blizz FTW! Thanks! I will watch Hazelnuttygaming :slight_smile:

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The problem is not even the prestige on said pixels.
Sure, it’s fine to have prestigious rewards. They exist in any MMO and make people chase goals and get better.
Aka Glad Mounts, KSM, Aotc, hard achievments etc.
Sure, they mean nothing to random people IRL, but they can mean something for the person getting them.

TCG mounts on the other hand mean neither of those. They are literally sold on dubious sites for crazy money ( think car money or more). They require no skill to get. They require even no gameplay. They are literally there for the scalpers to get rich and rich people to flex on normal Non-neckbeard players.
Get rid of them.

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I find it sad that you’re feeling the need to turn this into personal insults rather than sticking to rational arguments, but you do you, I guess.

A lot of people on the forum resort to insults not understanding that when you do you already lost the argument

I know. I agree with you.

Too many people are going to cry their eyes out about this because they wrongly assumed that Blizz wouldn’t do something like this with their own asset in the future.

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You’re giving off real ‘‘eat the rich’’ vibes. Let people enjoy things. TCG mounts were just another for blizzard to make money selling their tcg game, dont hate the players hate blizzard. People paid real cash for something that was supposed to be unique and cool.

Yeah and * edited by moderation * over their loyal customers that has given them money over a decade. Great marketing im sure it will help in the long run.

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Spectral tiger next please!

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NOBODY IS TAKING FELDRAKE AWAY from people that have it.
I genuinely don’t see how it affects them in any way.
Blizzard is letting everyone now enjoy them. Why would I hate them for that?
Everyone should get nice and unique mounts to feel good about, not just those that can throw literal thousands of euros into a video game.

Its not about “Eat the rich”. Is about making everyone “rich”. And that is much easily done in WoW, because it doesnt involve taking anything away from other players.


Gonna cry ?

They are not personal insults if they are part of the argument. The people who are whining about this are NOT gamers. They are solely old WoW players who play no other games and only play this game to feel special.
Blizzard wants to branch out. Blizzard wants all Roblox players to come over here, not only host their servers for a bunch of old people who want to feel special about pixels which they bought for thousands from another entity instead of them. Why should Blizzard help eBay make money? Why should they give you something that players can earn thousands of dollars for? Of course they don’t want “prestige”.
I know a lot of new players who left because they felt like they got into the game too late and they won’t get any of the things others have.

You literally only disagree because you want to feel special about pixels and I find it shocking that you think your mindset is normal.


Pixels cannot have “prestige” attached to them. This is something you fabricated because you live in this world. You cannot get anything prestigious IRL so you instead settle for “prestigious pixels” that can be duplicated on a whim.
Kids today do not like FOMO or prestige. All the big games today have zero prestige or FOMO, they are all about gameplay. Kids quickly jump in and out of games.
The days where people like you sat on a PC for 500 hours and expected people to applaud them is over. Try to understand that and stop whining.


Tbh hell with this prestigious thing. I own bruto if someone get that mount for 10g I dont mind.

There are lots of things blizz nerfed over time like rep, some grinds, time investment etc. Its for good.


You should buy mounts and all because at that point you feel the price of it fair and worth it because you want the mount. Not prestige and such.

If you considered this as some kind of investment then you should have accept that there is a risk.
If you actually owned it from TCG then you could still have the card as a rare thing.
If you bought it for gold and you feel entilted that others now get it free then think of what you are playing. So many things gets trivial as time goes, be it some toys, some pets, or mythic tmog. Many of those hard to get but you wait a few expansion and you can get it basically free with no effort. Its not really that special that after a while what you have loose its rarity.

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Your insults are still insults whether if they are part of an argument or not, but I have a feeling discussing semantics with you is going to be fruitless.

So Blizzard wants to “branch out” to “Roblox players” by adding a decade+ old pixelated low poly mount as a reward? I don’t really follow that logic lol

Nobody argued eBay should make money, and like I said (assuming, of course, you properly read my posts in the first place), I agree that it’s pointless to have dead/discontinued content as a result of TCG no longer being produced. What I’m advocating is I think they should reintroduce these TCG rewards better, compared to turning them into free bargain bin handouts, completely deflating the rewards.

Your opinion, which you are completely entitled to, of mounts shouldn’t hold “prestige” is not one I agree with personally. And I’d argue that this mindset has been “normal” since the beginning of the game. Why would people pursue prestigious things in the game if that wasn’t the case?

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I dont mind if they add TCG mounts or any mounts/items that are unobtainable now as rewards in the game. It would however be more rewarding if it was obtainable from doing content rather than just afk-mute-watching a stream for a few hours.

Lets say they added a npc in Stormwind/Orgrimmar which sold the items for tokens/coins (similar to the Curious coin vendor in Legion). You would collect the tokens/coins simply by doing content. They could have a low chance to drop from raids, pvp, world bosses, WQs, treasures etc. That way the items would be obtainable by everyone but still take some time to get. Thats just one idea.


it is not “free” u look at Twich streamers playing wow … u pay for the mount by spending time watching videos on Twich same time blizzard get free avertaisment … so mount is not Free :stuck_out_tongue:

idc, I get free mount I’m happy (:

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