if you buy an individual card you are NOT buying it from blizzard but from another card owner.
People bought it after agreeing on a price (that could’ve been people going for the advertised price with 0 negotiation, it being bought = someone agreed with the asking price).
Blizzard is not whispering in peoples ears yo you should ask atleast xyz for this.
Blizzard is not a party within this transaction so if you want to hold someone accountable… maybe people should look in the mirror if they feel like blaming someone for spending whatever amount of money on a relatively ugly winged lizard with a pineapple tail, colour variation #25.
The feldrake is probably one of the best looking tcg mounts, i always wanted to have it, and now I can get it. It will be awesome, but I still think the way you will obtaine it sucks big time. It’s no effort at all, just turn on a stream and leave the computer on and go and do something els.
A more suitable mount for dragon flight would be a mount you could change the look of, like we do with transmog, make it more unique for you, damn I would love to be able to transfer my auction guy from longboi to a dragon flying mount. Imagine be able to hover in air and search on auction house.
Or change the color of the saddle, or the dragon itself to match a transmog.
I’d like to deserve my mounts, so even if I really want the feldrake it feels bad, the way I will get it. Just as it won’t be unique, it will be like any other promotion mount, everyone will have it
They could just have add a recolored feldrake so it would not be the same. As much as I love the mount, I think the decision is stupid.
Totally agree. Unobtainable Cosmetics make the game worse for me.
But people are different. Before reading this thread I had no idea that there could be so many people that derive pleasure from the thought of being able to use a cosmetic that very few other people can. I guess they are the same people who find student debt cancellation unfair.
I’m not like that, I guess you’re not that way either. The fact that other players enjoy the same customization that I can enjoy myself doesn’t take anything away from me.
Thinking otherwise seems to me such a corrosive mindset. I don’t mind such players leaving the game because their perceived uniqueness has been challenge. It doesn’t seem to me such an attitude bring anything positive to the community, and I don’t Blizzard should cater to such players.
nah ,elite pvp sets and glad mounts should remain unnobtainable since they require time and skill,they require dedication and require you to buy the expac ,pay the sub and play and climb,that makes pvp participation better in all realms etc etc, so yeah,some costemetics should remain seasonal only to mantain a healthy playerbase on pvp,since its the field with less content in the game.
the tgc mounts you just need money.
a lot of it(5000 euro for feldrake before the promotion.)
Such prices are a logical consequence and Blizzard should actively make more and better use of their assets, such as TCG mounts and other unavailable stuff.
But Twitch drops (or otherwise giving those mounts away for free) are totally inadequate.
It’s the same with buying TCG items: They require time to earn the gold, or money and they require the dedication to spend so much on them. The only difference is that there is no skill involved as it is with PvP… though one could argue that it takes a whole different kind of skill to get that much gold to buy something this expensive.
This is a good move because people would also be mad if they added somthing new for twitch drop only instead of something for the game itself. Blizzard can never win everyone get mad anyways
It’s not about pleasing everyone, which is impossible, as you said.
But dedicading an entirely new mount would at least not p*** off anybody who even remotely values mounts for their rarity and this one in particular.