Twitter integration

Hi there!
I’m trying to add integration with twitter to post with /share.
But when I press Sign Un in settings panel I just get black square instead of login form.
I already tried to remove Interface, WTF and Cache folders. Nothing changes.

Hi, Overpanic! o/

If you try to access the in-game shop, do you also get a black screen? If so, the in-game browser is not working correctly. To resolve it, if you have any Razer software, try to uninstall it temporarily, as there have been some incompatibilities with it in the past (if it works without Razer, then try installing Synapse 3).

If that doesn’t work, go to the Blizzard application, and under the WoW logo, click on Options, and Show in Explorer (if you have the beta of the application, you’ll find this option in the gear by the play button). In the game’s folder, open the folder for the version you are having issues with (classic o r retail), and there, open the Utils folder. You’ll see a file called BlizzardBrowser. Delete it, and then, in the Blizzard application, again in options, click on Scan and Repair. Make sure that this “BlizzardBrowser” is recreated, and is not being blocked by your antivirus or any other security software.

Hopefully this helps :slight_smile:

I’m so sorry, I completely forgot to mention that I play from macOS 10.15.1 (19B88). So I don’t have those software nor
Also, I don’t have any antivirus/firewall. Just almost fresh macOS, I got new macbook lesser than 3 weeks ago.
Ingame shop works pretty well.
And I play retail.

You mention a new Mac however sometimes store bought can be a few software updates behind. If you click the apple icon in the upper left corner and select “About this Mac” it should check for updates and let you know if any are available.

If there are, apply them and see if that helps solve the issue.

If not, get back to this thread with your system files (click the mac option on this page for directions) and we can take a closer look. Oh and once you generate the files, copy them over to a website like Pastebin and provide the link to that in your response using the </> symbol. That way it’s a bit easier to read :slight_smile:

@Overpanic Have you find a solution for this? Got the same problem here, also macOS. Shop works, login also just a black window.


Closing this as this thread is very old and we’d prefer not to “necro” old threads.

Please open a new thread if the earlier troubleshooting steps have not solved the issue for you :slight_smile: