Hello people who use forum! Friend and me (23 yr) are looking for guild that do normal/hc raids and M+ dungeons. Friends druid is 392 ilvl, he mainly plays as resto. but also can dps in balance spec. My druid is 390 ilvl, I mainly play as balance but also can tank in dungeons (Never tanked in BoD but its not hard to learn if necessary) and warlock 383 ilvl mainly as demo. Currently we are 7/8N Uldir and 7/9N BoD, we have been in family guild and they are not so much into raiding, i don’t know if we were unlucky but we could not finish it with premade groups. We can raid from 8pm till 11pm, 2-3 days a week, no problem with in-game voice or discord, a bit down side from me is that I’m not used to speak in English but i understand it very well and same goes for my friend. My battlenet is Dakyman#2445
Hello i feel like you’ll be a good fit for my guild which is currently looking for a healer and dps. feel free to look at the post below.
If you have any interest please contact me or the contact info listed in the linked thread.
Btag: awesomebeard#1853
Discord: awesomebeard#2478
Hey to you both I see the guild hunt closed brackets and so wasn’t sure whether or not to reply but in case you start looking again anytime soon our N/HC team is a really nice group of people, casual but fun raids and looking for druids in any of the roles
Asta#2730 if you ever want to know more.
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